Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Movember 2013: Nick Offerman's Great Moments in Moustache History"

I've had a moustache since I was 18.  I shaved it off once and immediately grew it back.  


Toad said...

I really hate shaving, so I too have a moustashe. I didn't care for It much when I smoked, because It turned orange, and REALLY gross.

OrbsCorbs said...

I hate to shave, too. I have a short beard. It's easier to trim it once a week with the hair clippers rather than shave every day.

SER said...

I HATE SHAVING. I'll let it grow for a week then it has to come off.

I grew a moustache once, a few years back and I looked like a Mexican. I stopped at Mexican stores or even on the street Mexicans would speak Spanish to me. I would just tell them in english, I'm not Mexican.