Friday, November 29, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Hear, hear!


  1. Been there.

    Done that.

    No more.

    Hmph - do you think retailers had a nefarious reason for opening on Thanksgiving Day?

    Drinking Shoppers

    With more stores opening on Thanksgiving, malls have been seeing more guests who drank too much booze with their turkey, said Garth Gasse, director of retail operations and asset protection at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, an Arlington, Virginia, trade group.

    “They’ve probably consumed a few and they probably shouldn’t be out shopping,” Gasse said.

    SPEND! SPEND! SPEND! Today - Cry tomorrow when the bills come due.

  2. Take a good look at your coworkers. You probably don't really want to see them naked... just saying.

  3. Well I awoke this morning to strange sounds. Turns out hubby is sick. Hopefully it is just from too much eating. I'm off to do a little shopping (2 stores) and then to the grocery store.

    Have a great day everyone. And no, I do not want to see my boss naked. Ewe.

  4. Eek, I'm freaking out over packing for the move.

  5. Friday is here and doesn't feel like it.

    as for shopping on Black Friday, I would rather stick needles in my eyes.
