Thursday, November 28, 2013

Open Blog - Thanksgiving

May we all give thanks for our blessings.


  1. the snore monster is home, trying to set new decibel levels... until I get up, then all is quiet - seriously? may have to use some duct tape to acquire quiet tonite!
    working til 11 then home to hopefully an incredible turkey and cheesy potatos, Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  2. A Happy Thanksgiving to all of my special friends here.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all....
    think of me working a 16 hr day.
    Because of this fact.... I am going to use FOWL langauge all day.
    Another thought I had....
    There should be no football on Thanksgiving. There are just too many FOWLS.

    On a better note: I bought a new fridge yesterday. It has a big drawer on the bottem that is the freezer. I was thinking how this will benefit me. My old one is a side by side model.One thing I thought of is that people will not
    stand holding both doors open until I see frost or ice on their nose hairs. These same people always complain that there is nothing to eat!

  4. LM... your hubby probably needs a CPAP machine. This horrible snoring is a form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and can put someone at a high risk for stroke and heart attack. They also experience less REM sleep and have a worse quality of life because of always feeling tired.

  5. BLB, you are providing a very special service to all by working today, and for that we are all thankful. Hopefully, you won't get a call from any of us. ;>

    Just finished a cup of coffee and a slice of my baby pie (there is always too much juice to fit into one pie) and it is mmmmmmmm, sinful. So, now I'm off to get up to my elbows in turkey insides, yuk! Have a good day everyone.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and we hope you have a wonderful day!

    BLB- I am sorry to hear that you have to work today. We are grateful for what you do and hope you have a good day even though you have to work.

    LM- Sorry to hear about the snore monster waking you up. My older daughter woke me up by texting me that the Macy's parade is on. I just wanted one more hour of sleep but I still couldn't get it and she does not live here she is up in Appleton but she still wakes me up. I hope everything is done when you get off of work!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Hope you have a great day.

  8. BLB, he's the only one NOT tired... we don't sleep as well because of all his noise, his dad was just a wee bit louder but he's trying his darnedest to catch up... he sleeps like a rock and wakes too well rested, what a booger... he can go back now.. terrible wife, hey?

  9. LM I think it's called tired wife.

  10. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Turkey on the grill, so yummy!

    Sorry you had to work today BLB.
