Friday, November 22, 2013

Racine Politics

This song reminds me of Racine politics


  1. There's a live skunk in the middle of City Hall. Pee-Yew!

  2. There's a live skunk in the middle of City Hall. Pee-Yew

    Is that was the haze in the air is when you drive thru the round-a-bout by city hall?

  3. It says something when one discovers that it would be LESS TAXING and save tens of millions of $$$$ just by FIRING! Racine City Hall and outsourcing the management of the City to The City of Kenosha!

    Face it Racine - there is something wrong with your City government. The City of Kenosha runs a bulk waste site and accepts up to 4 tires daily from residents - *FREE! * In fact, the City of Kenosha accepts the following *FREE* at their site at 1001 50th. St: Bare Wood, Car Batteries, Electronics and Scrap Metal. *FREE* There is also a paid service for dropping off bulk waste that is outside the items accepted for *FREE*

    Let's continue to compare Kenosha to Racine - and yes, Kenosha has (1) FAR less Ghetto.

    City Of Racine Budget 2014 - $81,452,371.00

    City Of Kenosha Budget 2014- $73,043,043.00

    Racine Population: 73,353

    Kenosha Population: 100,150

    Racine Police Dept: 243 Full-Time Staff

    Kenosha Police Dept: 211 Full Time Staff

    Kenosha M.I.S. Dept/Information Technology: 1 Full Time Employee

    Racine M.I.S. Dept/Information Technology: 8 Full Time Employees (incompetence?)

    Kenosha Library Staff: 37 Full Time Employees (and 4 libraries plus a bookmobile - Kenosha values it's children)

    Racine Library Staff: 41 Full Time Employees (Mayor Dickert continues cuts here)

    Kenosha Public Works: 65 Full Time Employees (more with less)

    Racine Public Works: 107 Full Time Employees (less with more)

    The City Of Kenosha has a population of approximately 30,000 more residents than The City Of Racine, yet Racine has an operating budget of more than $8 million dollars more than Kenosha!!
