Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my snowmen and snowwomen!  How are you?  I already know: cold.  My, did it become winter quickly.  We’ve already had subzero temperatures and a snowstorm that caused hundreds of accidents.  This is the time of year when I switch into one day at a time mode.  I don’t dare ponder what’s ahead in the next few months because it’s too depressing. 

The good news, of course, is that our Green Bay Packers won against the Atlanta Falcons last Sunday.  Sound the trumpets!  Summon the guards!  Yahoo, we sneaked one through!  Hallelujah!  Unfortunately, Mr. Aaron Rodgers is still not well enough to play.  This Sunday, December 15, our gallant warriors face the Dallas Cowboys on their turf.  May the Force be with them!  Knock ‘em dead, boys!

In the Irregular Football League, we are already into our semifinals.  It's my Screaming Psychics vs the Racine Irregulars and the Half-Astrophysicists vs the Fighting Mongrels.  Mr. OrbsCorbs' Orbliterators ended in 5th place and Ms. Tender Heart Bear's The Mighty Bears finished 6th.  

It would be nice if the weather toned down a little bit so that we could appreciate the decorated homes in the Racine area.  I saw some lovely lights going up in early November.  Those people must love their decorations.  I tried to nudge Señor Zanza up a ladder to decorate our home.  No such luck.  Junior offered to do it, but I was afraid of what he might do.  If times were better, I would’ve hired professionals to do it.  Well, I decorated the porch and the interior myself.  It looks simply marvelous!  Santa, you’re welcome here.

I read that donations are down this year at Salvation Army kettles.  Many are blaming that on a campaign to donate to other charities because the Salvation Army is perceived as anti-gay:  I wonder how much of that is true and how much of the dip in donations is due to economic hard times?  I believe that those at the “top” have little regard for the suffering of those “below” them.  They don’t give a damn that life has become difficult for so many or that it impacts donations.  I shout, “Shame!” but it changes nothing.

Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time of year and I hope that’s true for you.  It can get hectic, so it pays to stop and think about the true meaning of Christmas.  I wish all of you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Merry Kwanza, Festive Festivus and Happy New Year!  Or Happy Holiday(s) of Your Choice!

Here’s a lovely video entitled “WestJet Christmas Miracle: real-time giving.

Wasn’t that inspiring?

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog today.  I love company and I love you.  I don’t discriminate; I love everybody.

Have you been naughty or nice?  Ask

Stay warm, my dears!  Please be extra careful driving in bad weather.  Avoid it if you can, go slowly if you must.  Ho-ho-ho!  Geloscopy!


  1. Madame Z- I just can't believe that I lost out on this past week fantasy football by about a half a point to Drew. I was so surprised and it all came down to the Monday night game.

    I am taking pictures of the Christmas lights and I will be posting them on here very soon. We went to Candy Cane Lane in West Allis this past Saturday night so I will be posting that first.

    I hope everyone stays nice and warm and safe today!

  2. I don't give to the Salvation Army for a lot of reasons...hard to justify if you do not support their brand of proselytizing. There are lots of local secular charities in Tucson (and I suspect most communities) which do the same good works I support minus the parts I don't so I put my $ (and time) there.

  3. The Salvation kettle donations are down with the economy, They go hand and hand. The gays along with every other worthless self serving political entity will claim the same. Remember what Bush failed to learn "IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID!"

  4. "Ho-ho-ho! Geloscopy!"

    Great in-joke, Mme. Z.

    I like that video, too.

  5. There are several good organisations that funnel donations to the needy.
    Salvation Army is one of the few whose top officers are not in 6 digit wage compensation. ring ring

  6. Great video.........

    administration cost of some of these organizations is totally out of control

  7. If I had the dough to donate a considerable amount, I'd definitely look into "overhead" costs of a charity or fund.

  8. Just wonderful. "Miracles do happen when we all work as ONE"

  9. I still give to the Salvation Army. People want to use excuses to not give. Politics have become so ugly and are now making their way into all areas of our lives and into areas where they have no business.

    The kettles are easy to add your change to or dig out a buck or two. The salvation army goes into storm ravaged areas and feeds and clothes those who need help. I give with respect for the full stomach and warm home I have. I count my blessings.
