Thursday, December 12, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” - Alexander Pope


  1. It's Howdy Doody Time!

    It may be below zero out there, but we can warm the cockles of each others hearts. Have a good Wednesday.

  2. silly Orbs, it's Thursday :) but ya'all DO warm the cockles of my heart!

  3. it too cold to go to work, everyone should call in sick.

  4. sounds great! oh wait, I can't call in to myself... grrr, I mean brrr

  5. Heh choo. I have to go to work anyway.

    Have a great day everyone.

  6. Great idea Orbs.... just sick of mean people everywhere.

    Everyone stay warm, keep your
    fiends and family warm, and watch out for pets, too.

    Off to work for second shift today
    in a few hours and in the mood to stir up and write some crazed ass shit if there is time.

  7. Good Thursday to all:
    If BLB does start writing again , I am quite sure it will be classified as insane:>

  8. Hmm, maybe I meant next Wednesday.

  9. Daddy Orbs- you are so funny that you for making me smile today I really needed it.

    BLB- Can't wait to see what you write on here next. I always look forward to your crazy stuff you write.

  10. Hi de ho good neighbors. One more day to the week and one more week until the holiday break. It can't come soon enough. The young'ins are very restless.

  11. I was fortunate enough to get in multiple interviews today!! I am still looking for many, many more yet. My last one, was impromtu, thanks to me still having 1/2 left on my meter downtown! I stopped in at a shop I knew nothing about, and I ended up feeling horrible when I left. Many confusing emotions right now, will blog it out tomorrow to vent, but hopefully in a more rational way than I feel now. The lady I interviewed was super and very open, but things she shared with me made me want to cry :( will sleep on it and hopefully be able to type it out better than it's racing thru my mind tonite

  12. Next time I go to Top Dog Hot Dogs, I'll ask Caleb if he wants to do an interview.
