Here, where the little blue flag sits,
will one day be my final resting place.
Just to the right, just out of the shot,
is the flag where my sister and fiance will be,
right next to me and my hubby.
I loved the view, a nice place to visit.
My niece, as well as a girl from work,
think this is terribly morbid.
How is pre-planning, being prepared
and having it all set and paid for
so the girls won't have to worry what to do
with us someday , morbid?
I found it quite a relief to finally have a plan, so
our kids don't have to go thru figuring anything out.
Kids these days... .like I'm going to live forever...
I have to die if I'm ever to haunt them! :)
(ok, now that may be slightly morbid)