Saturday, October 26, 2013

West African bush tribe

An elderly couple was watching a Discovery Channel special about a West African bush tribe whose men all had penises 24 inches long.
When the black male reaches a certain age, a string is tied around his penis and on the other end is a weight. After a while, the weight stretches the penis to 24 inches.
Later that evening as the husband was getting out of the shower, his wife looked at him and said, "How about we try the African string-and-weight procedure?"
The husband agreed and they tied a string and a weight to his penis.
A few days later, the wife asked the husband, "How is our little tribal experiment coming along?"
"Well, it looks like we're about half way there," he replied.
"Wow, you mean it's grown to 12 inches?"
"No, it's turned black."

Little Richard - "Tutti Frutti" - from Don't Knock The Rock - HQ 1956

Some people say that Little Richard invented rock 'n' roll, but I don't think that any one person can lay claim to that.

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! All I can say it has been a crazy week.... Weird things have been going on. Anyways, some questions for you...

1) How old were you when you got your first computer?

2) What part of pop culture do wish would just go away?

3) How long do you think you can last in solitary confinement?

4) What MOVIE comes to mind when you think of the '50's?

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Poets Laureate for Racine and Kenosha to be announced at Oct. 25 event"

From The Journal

The Kenosha/Racine Poets Laureate Program will induct the 2014-15 Poets Laureate for Kenosha and Racine from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25, at Spectrum School of the Arts & Gallery, 610 21st St., on the DeKoven Center grounds. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Outgoing Poets Laureate Angie Aker (Kenosha), and Stephen Kalmar II and Darin Zimpel (Racine) will read from their work as well as introduce a few of the many Kenosha and Racine residents who participated in public programs they hosted over the past two years and who will present some of the work they created during that time. Racine poet Nick Demske will serve as master of ceremonies and introduce the Poets Laureate of Kenosha and Racine for 2014-15.

"Guitarist Jamey Buencamino will provide music during the evening. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served. There is no admission fee."

The Last of Fall Pictures!

Yesterday when I was sitting on the couch I looked out our patio doors I was looking at the trees and there was no leaves left. It was funny because the day before it was full of leaves and this happened over night. I just could not believe what happened with the leave over night. So that made me think I better get the last of my Fall pictures from up north posted for everyone. We didn't have much time or real good sun light to get a lot of pictures to share. Here are the pictures-

                              This is on Cty Hwy DD in Pickeral Wi looking out towards the lake!

                                  This is on Cty Hwy DD in Pickeral Wi looking down the road!

         This is on Hwy 55 in Lily Wi looking at the tops of the trees and some have no leaves anymore!

         This is on Hwy 55 in Lily Wi looking at the tops of the trees and some have no leaves anymore!

                         This is on Hwy 55 in the Menominee Reservation looking down the road!

                         This is on Hwy 55 in the Menominee Reservation looking down the road!

I hope you enjoy the last of the Fall pictures that we have taken. I know there has not been to many pictures that I have taken this year. 

"Wal-Mart to open up to 110 new China stores by 2016"

BEIJING | Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:26am EDT

"(Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT.N), the world's biggest retailer, is expanding its China business as it seeks to raise profitability in a slowing retail sector.

"Wal-Mart will open up to 110 facilities in China between 2014 and 2016, in addition to the 30 it has already opened this year, it said at a press event in Beijing on Thursday."

Read more:

They deserve each other.

"Judge rejects stay on Racine hotel eviction order"

CREATED Oct. 22, 2013

"RACINE, Wis. (AP) -- The attorney for a woman who ran up a $29,000 bill at a hotel in southeastern Wisconsin says a judge has denied his request to stay an eviction and his client can be kicked out any time after Thursday morning.
"Jana Ganjian has said she checked into the Racine Marriott in 2004 after her house went into foreclosure. Ganjian has a lupus-like disorder and receives monthly disability benefits, which she says she used to make some $89-per-day payments.
"A judge granted the hotel's request for eviction earlier this month.
"Attorney Joseph Seifert said Tuesday that he asked the judge to stay the order because Ganjian has nowhere to go. Seifert says that motion was denied, and Ganjian must leave the hotel before Thursday or risk the sheriff removing her."

Time's up.  This is all over the net. has a story on this as well as news sites and blogs worldwide. Are they going to evict her today or wait awhile in the hope that the publicity will die down?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"I killed a man."

“Matthew Cordle has been sentenced to 6.5 years in prison with no chance of early release and a lifetime driver’s license suspension. As Matthew promised, he plead guilty and took responsibility for the horrible crime that ended Vincent Canzani’s life. Because I said I would recorded and released Matthew’s confession video with the hope that it would convince others to put down the keys… Don’t make the excuses Matthew made. Make the promise to never drink and drive and post it to social media with #SaveYourVictim.

“Since the day Matthew messaged our Facebook page for the first time on August 9th, I have grown to know him. He calls me on a regular basis from jail. I can tell you that he is remorseful for what he has done. That remorse will never bring back Vincent Canzani, but it has driven him towards a lifelong mission to prevent drinking and driving. While I am digusted by Matthew’s actions on June 22nd, I am proud of his promise to take responsibility and his conviction to see that promise through.”

Read more:

Wow.  I don't think I'd have the cojones to do that.

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my sisters and brothers!  How are you?  I was outside yesterday morning around 8 AM.  It was cold, the wind from the north cutting through everything in its path.  I don’t think it’s going to get any better in the foreseeable future.  According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac: “2013–2014 U.S. Weather Highlights Frigid Winter With Bitter Cold and Heavy Snow,”   Just what we need.  Oh dear.

Joy and elation spread throughout Packer land this Sunday past as Green Bay defeated the Cleveland Browns.  Next up this Sunday are the Packers’ perennial foes, the Minnesota Vikings.  That’s the team that Mr. Brett Favre defected to.  May they never be forgiven!  Ravage and decimate the Vikings, o wondrous Packers!

In the Irregular Football League, Mr. OrbsCorbs’ Orbliterators have been knocked down to second place by Mr. Hale-Bopp’s Half-Astrophysicists.  My Screaming Psychics have slipped to third place.  Congratulations Mr. Hale-Bopp!  May the best woman or man win.

The image at right was submitted to me by a Mr. I. P. Nightly.  Thank you, Mr. Nightly, for keeping the oldest psychic joke in the universe alive and unwell.

I have a confidential message for Mr. GregR that I channeled last night.  The message is, “Thank you so much!  You’ll never know what a help you’ve been.  I’ll pay it forward when I have the opportunity.”  The source didn’t identify him/her/itself, but did relay that the recipient would know who it came from.  You know, I make only $2 on these confidential messages that do not involve my input.  Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it.     

I’ve been following the story out of Greece about the young, fair haired, blue-eyed girl found with a Roma family.  She was taken into protective custody and her parents were jailed. Unfortunately, this plays right into the stereotype of Gypsies kidnapping children.  We don’t need anymore bad press.  We’ve been getting it for thousands of years.  Set my people free, Lord!

Ahem. Locally: “More staff cuts for city,” Mr. Mayor Dickert’s proposed budget cuts much needed staff from different departments while spending more money on himself and his friends.  Oh my!  You should be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Mayor. Where are your morals?

In the spirit of the season, here is “The Real Story of Halloween:”

Thank you so much for reading my blog today.  I love visitors from all over the internet and from all over the universe.  Love is the solution to all of our problems.

Halloween queries? Contact:

I still see people wearing shorts.  R U NUTS?  Soon it will be cold enough to freeze up my personal plumbing.  Be careful as the days grow shorter.  Watch out for school buses and kids.  Pantophobia!   

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Spotty Sunset

I don't post all my sunset pics here...if you want to see them you can follow me on twitter or Google+. I will post some of the more interesting ones here and tonight falls into that category.

There are some pretty good sunspots today. By underexposing the Sun quite a bit, you can bring out the sunspots. I got them just as the Sun was setting behind a mountain.

I waited around for the green flash of course.

Tonight I also took a quick shot toward Kitt Peak. Late next week, the Sun will set behind Kitt Peak and I will be trying to get that shot!


Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.

"Watertown aims to become first dementia-friendly community"

"At 88, Shirley Strysick shows no signs of physical decline, but her memory isn’t as crisp as it once was, and she’s very aware of the change. That’s why she no longer cooks.

“'I could burn this joint down,' she said last week as she gave a tour of her apartment at an assisted living complex in Watertown. 'I forget things.'

"Strysick, a retired nurse, began noticing memory problems about five years ago and has been diagnosed with early-stage dementia. On a hook above her kitchen counter hangs a notebook where visitors log in, a step family members took a few months ago because Strysick sometimes couldn’t recall who had dropped by.

"Strysick may be among the more fortunate of those with memory loss because of where she lives. Watertown, a city of about 24,000 people 45 minutes east of Madison, has embarked on an effort to become a dementia-friendly community, perhaps the first in the country."

That's good to know.  Maybe I should move there before I forget. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

"The Haunted Doll"

If I really dream about that doll tonight, I'm gonna be upset.

"Bertrand Russell's Message to the Future"

From the BBC's "Face-to-Face," 1959.

He thought the world was getting interconnected back then.  The internet has put that process into hyper-drive.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Topless Female Trampolining World Championships"

Why can't I get a job like that? 

This actually is part of a campaign for male breast cancer awareness.

Useless Information

Did you Know:

Pryor to the model “T” Ford, people (most) never traveled more than 25 miles from their home in their entire life time.

The model “T” came in 3 colors, Black, Black and Black