Tuesday, January 14, 2014



FOX6now's coverage.:  http://fox6now.com/2014/01/13/documentary-claims-racine-waging-war-on-minority-bar-owners/

Racists lying John and swine Helding spew more lies. Helding says that Spodick should pay his back taxes.  What about your pals downtown, swine Helding?  They don't pay their taxes and you don't even oink.  Shouldn't people who sit on the various boards and committees of lying John's regime pay their taxes?  They are our "leaders," but they ride on our backs for free.  Racist, lying swine.

TMJ4"s take:  http://www.jrn.com/tmj4/news/New-documentary-accuses-Racine-committee-of-racist-practices-239851581.html

Originally posted January 12, 2013 at 7:07PM:

The Journal Times attacks a movie that hasn't been shown:

"Film accuses city of targeting bars owned by minorities: Alderman calls claims of racism ‘utterly false’" - http://journaltimes.com/news/local/film-accuses-city-of-targeting-bars-owned-by-minorities-alderman/article_aa49013a-7b3e-11e3-b241-001a4bcf887a.html

"Spodick, City Hall have been at odds before" - http://journaltimes.com/news/local/spodick-city-hall-have-been-at-odds-before/article_264f47e4-7b3f-11e3-92c7-001a4bcf887a.html 

This is a preemptive strike against what they fear the most: truth.  They haven't even seen the movie, but the thought of what it might contain has them trembling in their boots.  Truly, the Journal Times is the propaganda arm of lying John's regime.

The rest of the world will now be able to see what the decent citizens of Racine have had to put up with.  And racism is only one aspect of city government abuse.

Here's a link to the JSOnline's blurb about the film:  "MLK Day screening set for film accusing Racine panel of racial bias"http://www.jsonline.com/entertainment/movies/mlk-day-screening-set-for-film-accusing-racine-panel-of-racial-bias-b99182492z1-239827461.html

Originally posted January 7, 2014 at 6:34 PM:

From Racine Community Media:



"150 years ago, Racine, Wisconsin was an important stop on the Underground Railroad. (the escape route used by 'runaway slaves' during Civil War times) But times change, and so do cities. Pattern Or Practice is the story of change for one upper Midwest town, (Racine, Wisconsin) that took away the welcome mat and hung out the 'no vacancy' sign for minorities and residents alike. Pattern or Practice is a documentary film being shown at the Oriental Theater in Milwaukee on January 20, 2014. Pattern or Practice is a discouraging portrait of the effects of institutionalized racism, enabled by local government officials, detached from a community and stimulated by fears drummed up by those with something to gain.

"'I knew something was wrong when my dad was selling our building to the City of Racine, but I was 16 years old at the time and I knew he was being forced into it, but I couldn't stop it.' said Fabian Maldonado.

"The film focuses on City Of Racine restaurant /bar owners who have had their license and businesses taken away by the City of Racine. Much of the film is heavily documented with actual City of Racine videotaped meetings, newscasts, articles and the procedures the city used in removing an alarming number of minority businesses in three targeted areas in the City of Racine. In depth Interviews of businesses owners staggered with persons associated with the behind the scenes activities conducted on the business owners.

"Ken Lumpkin-Racine County Supervisor and local business owner states, 'I was raised in Montgomery Alabama during the marches for freedom with Dr. King and thought this type of activity was dead.'

"Eric Marcus- Former City Of Racine Alderman and Member of City Public Safety And License Committee 'If You Cannot Count On City Government To Follow The Law, How Can You Expect The Citizens To Follow The Law?'

"Pattern Or Practice also sheds light on the practice of selective legal enforcement that is enabled by a passive public perception of 'I'm glad it's not me'. The name of the film 'Pattern or Practice' comes from the Justice Department term meaning a pattern of discrimination that has been conducted against a group of persons or an issue of general public importance. The film crew spent two years in Racine doing interviews gathering footage and documentation, in the hopes to raise awareness of how racism can be perpetuated in new and different ways, and also the fair, equal treatment of all citizens of a community. The story also touches on how local media plays a part in the institutionalized racism.

"Pattern or Practice shows the cruel side of racism and how denial and disbelief smooth
one's conscience, but does nothing to prevent the damages brought by bigotry and
prejudice. This is an oustanding and riveting film and shows how to recognize these
things in your community."

Originally published January1, 2014 at 7:52 PM:

Monday, January 20, 2014  7:00pm until 9:30pm  Oriental Theatre, Milwaukee, WI 

"Pattern or Practice peels the veneer off that shoddy pretense and provides a stark view of what institutionalized racism looks like. Racine, Wisconsin, once a manufacturing powerhouse, is a backsliding, post-industrial community with a race problem so pervasive that disbelief is nearly always the observer’s first reaction. By the time the final credits are rolling, that disbelief is replaced by anger, disgust, perhaps shame and hopefully a desire for change. Tickets www.patternorpractice.com Landmark Theatre http://tinyurl.com/lkyden8 or at Box Office Tickets $10.00"




I'll bump this up as the date approaches.


  1. I have had conversations with several of the participants of this documentary.

    Truth and knowledge are the first steps to address the accusations of illegal acts by the local Racine government.

    Time to listen to what the accusers have to say on their own terms without censorship or cover up. Then make up your own mind to what has really happened.

    I plan on attending this movie, does anybody wish to ride along?

  2. I'm in. I just wanted someone else to drive.

  3. I think there is going to be busses leaving from Racine shuttling to the theatre. This should really be an eye opening experience. The trailer really looks good, all be it sad. Hopefully this raises awareness to the crooked, corrupt and discriminatory practices of this Racine City Hall.

  4. Maybe we can make this a JTI EVENT
    and meet some of the Anonies there,
    like the newer ones. The ones that need to be jacked up. hehehe only kidding... Nothing anyone says
    is really gonna put me over the edge
    in blogging.

    I'm in....I'll go unless it is only for the Illuminati. The Almighty Sisterhood can go together anyways.

  5. What a way to wake the City Fathers up. It's about time this horrible SOUTHERN tendency leaves our favorite city, AND country for that matter. Perhaps The President of The United States ( the recipient of much of this HATE ) should fly In for the showing? I'm jesting, but perhaps a copy of the film would do It real justice? The officials of EVERY kind of Government In this country are elected by the PEOPLE that live here, and are REQUIRED to work FOR ALL people that live here, and In NO CASE do I see this happening. NONE, NOWHERE.

  6. They have discriminated against ANYONE who is not part of their insider club. They have violated the rights of citizens, organizations and businesses for their own benefit. They have broken the law over and over again, while those who are paid to enforce the law and protect the citizens and the community turn a blind eye (or are paid off through other means).

    This is a good start toward revealing the truth and full story of the rampant corruption and discrimination in Racine, and real steps toward recovery and reparation must follow.

    BL Basketcase, Lizardmom and others need to start paying attention and understanding that there are real victims to these crimes rather than supporting the corruption by spreading more fluffy propaganda about the downtown businesses we have who in some cases are directly involved in the corrupt and discriminatory patterns and practices. We don't need to be "jacked up", you need to be "educated". Good thing some of us still post as Anon or you would have targeted us also. Do you see how that works?

  7. LM and BLB are not on this site to reveal or expose the criminals of this town, that is not their interest while on this site. I along with several others do pursue and/or illuminate government acts of negligence, omissions, extortion, criminal and other torts against the public and public interest. We are fortunate to also have many Racine blogging sites dedicated to this format of corruption. Focus your efforts on the criminals in government because we can make a positive difference in our community.

  8. I wonder how many Dickert spies will be there.

  9. The more government workers that go to this movie is better. i am hoping some of the ADA's go to this movie.

  10. Someone contact all of the Milwaukee tv stations, this is definately newsworthy.

    I think Dickert would look good in blaze orange.

  11. Dickert won't pay for this; the "city" (taxpayers) will.

  12. Re: the new poster

    "A Lie Cannot Live"

    What a great tagline.

  13. I have met several times Thomas Holmes aka Headline Holmes, owner of a forcefully closed bar on 6th. street in Racine.

    His attorney Vince Bobot, is a former MPD sergeant, former ADA in Milwaukee and a former Milwaukee judge.

    Both men have compelling stories of the corrupt Racine scene, both city and county.

    The time has come to hold corrupt government officials accountable.

    We will see if the documentary lives up to its hype.

  14. I can't wait. I'm sitting on pins and needles.

  15. Swine Helding is hated by the people of Racine and he knows it. That's why he carries a gun. He's scared to death of the people he has screwed over the years.

    The racist core of lying John's regime will be exposed. Listen to them squeal.

  16. Maybe John D can step up to the plate and pay for his personal legal fees. He is the last person to tell anyone to pay their taxes.

    I wonder how many tv stations will be at the premiere? Will Belle TV be there?
