By the way, I have an appointment this Wednesday for TWC to install telephone service.
Originally posted on January 13, 2014 at 12:25 AM:
TWC's introductory rate (one year) is considerably less than my AT&T bill. Plus, it includes nationwide long distance. Presently, I have no long distance service. Even after a year, TWC's regular rate is less than what I'm paying now.
I've had issues with TWC's Road Runner internet service in the past, so I don''t want to shoot myself in the foot.
Thank you for your time.
Orbs, I recently changed everything for TWC to AT&T. I got rid of my home phone a couple years ago and with the deal from ATT I have it back now for a year. and my internet is faster the TWC.
I never had a problem with TWC phone service. Reason I go rid of mine in never used it. Now that I have it again, I still don't use it because of my cell phone.
Daddy Orbs- We have TWC package deal for the internet, cable and home phone. We have never had a problem with it at all. They also help me find any kinds of discounts that they have when ever I ask for it. If you ask them if you can keep the same number they will do that for you also. For me they are so helpful and answer all of my questions.
Orbs, I have the TWC bundle same as TH Bear. I've had it for about two years and haven't had any problems. The first year I paid $104.00 a month, now that the promo deal is up I pay $133.00 a month. I have the 250 channel package (I think) and the DVR box. No problem with the phone or internet.
One thing I found out is after the one year deal you start paying five dollars a month rent for the modem. You can buy your own from any store, TWC has a list of compatible ones Then return theirs to the store on the corner of 11 and 31. Buying one costs around $60 to $80.
Several times I've had to exchange my channel changer. There's no hassle or fee.
I have been considering switching to an AT&T bundle to see if I can save a few bucks. But I haven't had time to research.
Orb's, Have you thought about a Prepaid plan. WalMart has several Prepaid plans available. Most of the plans give you No Limit Calling (long distance iincluded) No Limit Texting, and some Web. You can get a good plan for less than $50.00 per month, and have the charge taken out automatic from your bank each month. The ONLY disadvantage Is you have to be certain to keep It charged.
Thank you, everyone.
Toad, those prepaid plans are for cellular phones, I believe. Mine is a landline. In fact, if I switch service providers, that will free up my Lifeline money so that I can get one of those free welfare cellphones.
It's amazing. The Lifeline money will provide a free cellphone and coverage, but it barely dents AT&T's bill. They have charged me for long distance service that I haven't received for years. I have called and called them to have that removed. Every bill contains a charge for AT&T Long Distance, but you can't make long distance calls on my line. I'm tired of fighting. They can choke on it.
Orb's, We had the same problem with AT&T. No matter what we did, they wouldn't remove the long distance charge. Finally we told them to take the entire land line out. That Is the ONLY way to get rid of It. That's why we only have cell phones now.
I live in the Racine area and I actually work for another "major" Cable Company provider remotely but I currently have TWC in the Racine area because its either that or AT&T.
I will be honest with guys and gals NEED to game the system. What I mean by game the system is every year or so you need to call the retention department and tell them you are considering moving service to a competitor (in this case AT&T) because you saw a sweet promo, better HD channels, internet packages...etc. Obviously this is a clear bluff and sometimes you get the run around by a tier-1 representative that gives you a small % reduction on your services but press hard and try to even talk to a higher up supervisor and if you are bills are paid on time and you have been a long time customer with TWC take charge of the call and let the rep know that you need more incentive to stay because you have been such a loyal customer.
If you have gamed the rep/supervisor and the company well enough you can earn up to 30% discounts on your services with nice 6month premium channel promos and internet speed upgrades (in this case I got Sports Package upgrade for free for NFL RedZone, showtime for 6months and Turbo Internet Upgrade AND saved $20 a month).
So obviously after the 6month to year promo and prices run out don't call back and give the same shpeal right off the bat, ride out the "full price" of your previous service for another 6-8months then call them again. If they play hardball with you try outright canceling the service and then "transfering" the service to a family member, roomate, friend who lives with you and THEN you will get on a "new customer" price which is much better and can get your $200 Giftcards, Tablets, Locked in Promo Prices for a Year..etc.
These tactics may seem underhanded and unjust but the cable companies are ruthless and they don't care about Customer Satisfaction in the long run, they just want your highest dollar so take advantage with my little tips every so often. Also DONT get upsold into a Digital Voice package unless you NEED it, now n days 4 outa 5 people have unlimited cellphone plans so WHY have a homephone? For 911 service? Hah, ALL of cable companies equipment is tied to power and internet and guess what...if that goes down there goes your 911 service? "But what about battery backup in the devices?" Major Cable providers ARE NOT even INCLUDING batteries with there gateways and modem forcing you to BUY them out of your own pocket. So unless you are in dire need of a land line STAY AWAY from getting bundled. AND the Power can be just fine but if you have poor signal on your cable line your phone can flake out just as well as your internet can. If you need a deticated phone line just get one. VoIP is just a poormans phone anyways.
I'm getting a landline because I'm an old fart who doesn't like change. I don't want to be available all of the time. My two remaining relatives are nieces who have their own families, so I wouldn't be the first responder to anyone's emergency. The answering machine is on 24/7, and I'll respond if you leave a message.
Another issue is my eyes. I have poor vision and the smallness of most cell phones frustrates me.
I've seen people use their smartphones. They're amazing devices. Too small and too expensive for me, though. If I live much longer, PCs will be a thing of the past. I'm a dinosaur.
By giving up my AT&T account, I free up my LifeLine money for a free cell phone, anyway. I understand that they're crap with poor service, but I don't care. If I get one, I'm not giving anyone the number. I see myself using it only if the truck breaks down, I'm in an accident, someone else is in an accident, or I want to report a drunk driver.
No to worry Orbs, the phone service is good
P.S. Internet service here has been good so far. One time the connection hi cupped, but I shut everything down, waited, and then restarted everything, and it worked fine.
The internet connection at my old place was notoriously bad, as it was at the apartment before that. Both of those were old buildings, though. My current one is more modern.
Thanks, SER.
I gotta save a buck. I have no problem with gaming the system. I'll play ping-pong with providers every couple of years or so.
As noted in today's Open Blog, my electric bill for the new apartment was almost double what it was at the old place. I freaked out. Then I remembered the "furnaces" they used to heat treat my apartment. I bet those ran on electricity. I'll find out tomorrow.
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