Monday, January 27, 2014

I Found An Online Job

Can you imagine getting paid to eat online? $9,000 a month.

Just think of the commercial endorsements and advertising from restaurant chains and food companies.


  1. OK Orbs, you can train customers online in the art of anger management.
    If that doesn't work, try teaching government ethics

  2. Orbs - you could do spots showing you eating one of your favorite hot dogs or possibly a Kewpees. I'd watch.
    I wouldn't eat as much as this girl or you will be in serious weight trouble.

  3. I find it sad that so many people watch because they are lonely, eating alone.

    I heard a comedian say that The Food Network is like porn for fatties.

    Seinfeld said that the bill should come before the meal... "I'm not buying this food, I'm full!"

  4. Does she eat all the food that is shown? There's enough there for a family of 6.

    Thanks, Mary. Maybe I'll start Orbs' Rants - people can watch me eat online as I lose my temper spewing about lying John and his pals. Food thrown all over the place and me screaming at the webcam, "Lying John! Two-Faced Tommy! Armageddon! Arrgh!"

  5. Orbs, I think you're on to something! For a nominal fee, people can engage in a virtual food fight with you! Sounds like great fun (as long as I don't have to clean it up :) )

  6. it's got to cost her a ton of money for all that food.'

    she just sit in front of the computer on a toilet...!! In one end out the other...

  7. Orbs, you cannot rant while your eating. You'd be wasting good food. Who knows, maybe you would get a discount for promoting them.
