Congratulations, ladies and gentlemen. Nicely done. This documentary is professional and persuasive. It's an important resource that brings together the individuals who the city has treated unfairly and their stories. It's a unifying force. Hopefully, it's also the starting point for discussions about what kind of city we want Racine to be, and who do those in power represent?
Another showing was mentioned, but no firm date yet. "Copies" of Pattern or Practice were also mentioned, which I take to mean DVDs and/or Blu-ray discs at some point.
I highly recommend it. I give it 4 (****) out of 5 stars.
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10 hours ago
The movie was great. There was a nice crowd. All of the principals from the movie who were present were brought up on a stage and applauded. The same thing was done with the people who worked on the film
The documentary Pattern or Practice illustrated the harm done to the individual owners and/or operators of the bars closed by the city of Racine. There appears to be different standards applied unfairly by the city of Racine. Hopefully the Federal courts will sort it out.
From The Journal Times article:
Called “Pattern or Practice,” the film alleges that the city’s Public Safety and Licensing Committee has shown a history of holding minority-owned bars to different standards than white-owned bars.
I believe that is true. It goes deeper than that - it involves the Racine Tavern League, those who control the RTL, their relationship to RPD, their relationship to the Mayor and County Board members, the DRC, political contributions, a refusal by the Racine County DA to enforce laws concerning illegal gambling and tax evasion (see political contributions) and a Police Department that, I believe, operates on two levels - a chain of command that is publicly headed by Chief Howell, and a chain of command that is run by an inside group of (mostly) rogue Whites who use the department to promote a hidden agenda whose mandates are revealed in the actions we see being taken against those of color.
City officials said the film’s claims are false and said all bars and bar owners are held to the same high standards.
False? Based on what? Their say-so? Let me know when City Officials begin to make statements that are made UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. Then I will take notice.
Standards? What are they? Where are they published? OR - are these referenced "high standards" a proprietary secret?
In the film, it's pathetic to listen to Alderman Jim Kaplan claim that being appointed to the Affirmative Action and Human Rights Commission is evidence of not being a racist. REALLY? A Mayoral appointment to a board proves your claims?
An independent, and outside investigation needs to be conducted to test the veracity of the Cities claims - the evidence simply does not support the City's unsworn claims.
The words that the White Power Brokers in Racine fear the most are:
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
because if the White Power Brokers in Racine were judged by their character, they would be revealed to be completely lacking in the six Pillars of Character - Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.
JTI occasional correspondent Clint Teeters made this comment on the's story about the documentary:
"Look at all the trolls. These trolls registered today to spew their race hate. That's so sick and sad. Unfortunately, this is Racine and Racine is racist to the core. Race haters try to hide their hate behind words, but the hate shines through
"It's interesting to note that First Fridays have caused the police to literally shut down all of downtown, but no one complains about that. No one even reports it. The Journal Times covers and lies for the racists in Racine. There's nothing new here, just the same old racists spewing the same old bile.
"Racine will never progress as long as race haters are our 'leaders.'"
One more item should be added to the pillars of character to fullfill the list....action
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