Monday, February 17, 2014

"Adam Magyar - Stainless, Alexanderplatz (excerpt), 2011"

Adam Magyar - Stainless, Alexanderplatz (excerpt), 2011 from Adam Magyar on Vimeo.

"High speed video recording in Berlin at U2 Alexanderplatz station. (2011)
full video: 24min. 48sec. 720p 50fps"

"Note: There is no Creative Commons License applied to this work. Thus it is not legal to copy."

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Why is that so fascinating to watch?


SER said...

Why is that so fascinating to watch?

I don't know, Why?

OrbsCorbs said...

Because it looks like The Matrix:

OrbsCorbs said...

Omg, I just saw the girl running in the background of Adam Magyar's video.