Hello everybody! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! it has been a topsy turving week, especially where the weather is concerned... Just when ya think winter is over with... Anyways, your questions!
1) What is the tallest mountain you have even seen?
2) How much of the Olympics have you seen?
3) Feather or foam pillows?
4) What do you prefer, digital or analog clocks?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1) I really don't know!
2) The snowboarding is the only thing that I did watch!
3) We have both!
4) Really it doesn't matter because unlike some of the kids I can read both of them.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
1. Not sure but it was in Red River New Mexico.
2. We've watched a lot of the Olympics.
3. Have to have feathers.
4. Both.
Thanks Drew!
1. I guess the Rockies.
2. Very little.
3. Foam
4. Analog
1) don't know
2) Not much, some ice skating and bobsledding
3) Feather
4) digital in the bedroom
analog clocks in the rest of the house for cosmetic reasons
1. I think the Sierra Nevada mountains were the highest? Flew over and saw the Rockies. Been up on the Blue Ridge Parkway and have visited others. Don't all flat-landers visit mountainous vacation spots?
2. I've watched quite a bit of it.
3. Foam, not a fan of feathers.
4. My head reads them both the same.
Thanks, drew!
1. not sure what mountains we saw driving up from the south a handful of years ago, it was in the later fall and everything was gray and brown and not nearly as pretty as I had hoped to see.
2. actually, haven't seen any yet :(
3. memory foam and it has to be the shaped one for the neck, thanks for an accident back from '95...
4. for alarm clocks, I prefer digital but for watches, and around-the-house clocks, analog
1) Whatever mountains are on the drive from Racine to Austin, TX.
2) I haven't watched any, but I don't have TV.
3) Foam pillows.
4) I use both.
Thanks, drew.
1) What is the tallest mountain you have even seen?
A mountain of shit that is, in perspective,
the same size as Mt. Everest, representing my life.
2) How much of the Olympics have you seen?
Bits and pieces.
3) Feather or foam pillows?
Both. I hate the feathers poking thru but they ball up
And scrunch where you need it.
4) What do you prefer, digital or analog clocks?
Actually analog antique clocks , cell phone is good for my alarm.
1. Monster Mountain- that is the slippery slope mountain Mike Nieskes
slid and slithered down upon.
2. None, way too political for me
3. birds of a feather, but foam works better as a silencer
4. No real preference but digital is usually more accurate.
Those who go with faith is twice armed.
Have a great weekend irregulars.
1) Long's Peak in Colorado. Elevation of 14,259 ft.
2| Very little.
3) Both
4) We have mostly digital at home. Analog at work.
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