Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tonight - Pattern or Practice Racine Premiere

Related update: "Minority bar owners say Racine conspired to put them out of business" -

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Press Release

Documentary Film "PATTERN OR PRACTICE"


Where:      ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH – 3433 Douglas Avenue – Racine, WI

When:      Thursday  February 27th, 2014

Time:        6:00 PM     FREE Admission

Contact:      Pastor Elliott Cohen – 

As part of the celebration of Black History Month, the locally produced documentary film, “PATTERN OR PRACTICE”, will be shown at the Abundant Life Church at 3433 Douglas Ave. in Racine.  The showing will take place at 6:00PM on Thursday February 27th.  This will be the film’s first screening in the city where the story has been unfolding.  

Social justice advocate and church pastor Elliott Cohen, expressed surprise at the message of the film stating that he had been led to believe that it was primarily an objection to the closure of a number of minority owned nightclubs in Racine.  “Many of us have shied away from this film, not wanting to be advocates for bars and taverns, but after viewing it and realizing it’s actually about social injustice and how it affects us all, I recognized the importance of getting it to a larger audience.”

There will be a panel discussion and question and answer session will immediately follow the film for the purpose of discussing the impact of race on the social and economic landscape of Racine.


  1. Free? I want my $10 back. No, wait, it was $11 because I bought it online.

    Just kidding. Well worth the money.

    I hope the Racine premiere is jam-packed.

  2. It's odd that so many organizations in Racine that actively preach tolerance, acceptance and normalization - have shown such intolerance, nonacceptance and indifference towards this film. So many times they want to raise awareness for their pet causes, and others to join in - and now there is just non-recognition of this issue.

    In fact, I would say that there is a deliberate city-wide censorship of this film that is being silently enforced.

    It's not going away - Racine.

  3. Here is a great quote that describes why the film, Pattern or Practice is treated with silence and goes unacknowledged in the City of Racine -

    Once we equate making people feel bad with actually attacking them, free expression is basically obsolete, since anything a person does, makes or says could be interpreted as abuse.

    Lenore Skenazy

    Can't have no hurt feelings at Racine City Hall.

  4. Brave the cold weather to see the film this evening. It's worth it.

  5. It should be a wonderful piece of historical fiction.
