Monday, March 10, 2014

Tonight -Pattern or Practice - Second Showing at the Oriental Theatre

Controversial Documentary About Civil Rights Violations Commented by Southeastern Politicians Announces Showing at the Oriental Theater in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE – (Feb. 28, 2014) – Jim Spodick, producers of the much-talked about documentary, Pattern or Practice, has announced a second showing will take place on March 10, 2014 at 7 PM at Milwaukee’s Oriental Theater. Pattern or Practice shows the life-changing side of racism and how denial and disbelief  smooth one's conscience, but does nothing to prevent the damages brought by bigotry and prejudice.

Pattern or Practice features restaurant bar owners who had their licenses and businesses taken by city of Racine, Wis., elected officials. The footage includes interviews with business owners who, with their own words and emotions, outline the abuse and harassment they experienced at the hands of the city of Racine.. The film uses documentation from actual committee meetings, network news casts and articles that ran in the local newspaper.

“As a property owner in Racine, I have been seeing firsthand the abuse and mishandling of power that our elected officials have been implementing on our city and citizens,” said Spodick. “I’d say things really starting escalating over the past ten years. I was hearing and seeing stories of the travesties that were taking place to business owners and knew I had to get involved to bring awareness to what these politicians were and continue to do to our city.”

The title, Pattern or Practice, comes from the Justice Department term meaning: pattern of discrimination that has been conducted against a group of persons or an issue of general public importance. The film focuses on the practice of selective legal enforcement that is enabled by a passive public perception of "I'm glad it's not me". Racine County Supervisor and owner of the local black newspaper, Ken Lumpkin, states "I was raised in Montgomery Alabama during the marches for freedom with Dr. King and thought this type of activity was dead.”

“You can’t turn on the news at night without hearing about political corruption in one form or another and it’s not party-specific,” said Spodick. I want the viewers of Pattern or Practice to see the faces of these victims, listen to their stories and get angry….very angry. I’m hoping this film will be a platform for citizens throughout the country to send a message to their elected officials: “No more. Not on our watch and certainly not with our vote!”

For more information on the Pattern or Practice, contact Jim Spodick at (262) 930-5467, or visit 

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