Last night I was at a star party in very rural Arizona where it is very dark. I didn't have a lot of time for photography, but I had to get the Zodiacal Light after sunset.
But there are some other interesting things in this image. The Pleaides stand out near the top and above the pole on the right you can see the faint smudge that is the Andromeda Galaxy. In the middle of the image about 2/3 of the way up is a small streak. I checked for satellites in the area and there now no bright passes (or Iridium flares) so this is probably a meteor. At the bottom you can see a curved line. That is clearly a jet (I sat it naked eye as well) probably training at the Yuma Proving Grounds.
I was just going to post this on flickr (which I did) and wasn't planning on a blog entry until I did a little closer inspection and started realizing all the other stuff that I captured.
Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.
Beautiful picture!
I believe I have seen the Zodiacal Light before, but didn't know what it was, or the name. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary, once again.
Gorgeous picture, hale. I ditto what kk said; you're always expanding my personal universe. Thank you.
Great picture, Hale!
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