Most of you know I do improv here in Tucson with Not Burnt Out, Just Unscrewed. We have performed all over Tucson at bars, coffee shops, churches and anywhere else we could find over the years...until now.
We have been on a long time quest to open our own theater and that happened last Friday night. We now have a 96 seat theater with lobby, concession stand, two classrooms and office space. We have been working on transforming the space since last fall and did four shows over the weekend. It is called Unscrewed Theater.
Here is our version of the Dating Game from last Friday's uncensored late show (the early show is family friendly) so it is a little off color at times. The woman from the audience we use as the bachelorette is a local television reporter who did a piece on the theater opening.
You can find a bunch more videos from the opening weekend on our youtube page
Going forward, we are doing mostly family friendly shows and teaching classes. We will add different types of shows and have other groups perform there as well. Very exciting times here!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Hale, a couple of your links don't work.
Hurray for you and your pals. Congratulations on your own theater. May your improv continue to improve.
The next "Second City" in Tucson.
Sound like you are having a blast.
Next time in Tucson I will look the joint up. "Break a leg"
The links failed for me too, but I was on the mobile device. Thought it was me... I Googled the troupe name and found additional video,but it was older.
Is it coincidence that you know so much about the geeky games? ;>
Congratulations to you on 10 years, and on the permanent new site! Does this mean all your weekends are now booked solid?
Thanks. I will be there a lot of nights, but we have more people so all will be okay when I travel. But when I am in town, I want to be there as much as possible. Even when I am in the tech both, I get to add light and sound effects to the show so it's like being an extra performer.
Don't know how those links went all pear shaped, but I fixed them and they seem to be working now.
Congratulations on your own theater Boppster.
It's great when a group of people can come together and work on the same goal until it truly materializes.
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