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Party on, lying John! |
"Contrary to the vociferous claims by The Journal Times, Alderman Jim Kaplan, Alderman Greg Helding, and other supporters of John Dickert, it has been revealed that he is not Mayor 24/7 and that he has additional claims on his time, including:
"1. Senior Advisor for Heartland Solutions Group.
"2. Political Advisor for TrendPo.
"and now:
"3. Broker for First Weber."
. . .
"Dickert declined to comment. Which Dickert was speaking? Only two weeks prior, John T. Dickert had made a political contribution as a Broker for First Weber. It’s an interesting question that needs to be re-opened, and properly investigated. The People of Racine deserve an answer to the question of 'whether Dickert was acting as a public official or a private citizen when he made the allegedly slanderous comments about former city employee William Bielefeldt while on the radio last year during his mayoral campaign.'"
Read more: http://racineexposed.wordpress.com/2014/02/23/will-the-real-john-dickert-please-stand-up-redux/
You have to understand that Dickert is working for Racine even when he sleeps. In fact, especially when he sleeps. He's already got 8 hours in when he gets up in the morning. Anything after that is overtime.
"You have to understand that Dickert is working for Racine even when he sleeps. In fact, especially when he sleeps. He's already got 8 hours in when he gets up in the morning. Anything after that is overtime."
Well done.
Dickert must be wore out when he wakes up. That's why we need a city administrator, and associated assistants and/or other personnel as deemed necessary by the same said administrators, associated assistants and/or other personnel. Sleeping on the job is a dirty business, but somebody has to do it.
"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office"
It's IMPOSSIBLE for him to be a 24/7 mayor if he is work with or for these other outside agency.
If we the tax payers are paying him to be a 24/7 mayor we need to reduce his yearly wages proportionately for the amount of hours he works at these other positions.
A fire 3 feet high burns my ass, but when I read this type of stuff about Dickert my ass is flame'in, I'm lost for words.
Is our city hall workforce to large...there's a no brainer. I can't remember right off hand how many more positions he added when he became mayor, one of them is a city administrator and if you look at their wages they are $70k plus a year.
With all these other positions we don't need a full time mayor or a mayor at all. shit can him.
then take the rest of these overpaid positions and on Friday give them all a "pink slip" and let them know their jobs have been eliminated. On Monday repost all the jobs with a different title and reduce the pay range to something like $45k per year, I'm confident there are folks out there willing to sign up for the jobs at the new pay rate(s). what the hell, I would sign up for one just for shits and giggles!
Ohhhhh dang I have to make another comment:
You read or hear that many if not most of these city positions are under paid compared to other cities.
Well all I can say is MOVE THERE AND WORK FOR THEM. Get the hell out and stop f**King up Racine.
SER, slow down buddy, you need to reboot.........reboot Dickert's #ss.
Who at City Hall is keeping track of how John Dickert uses his taxpayer funded car, gas, insurance, cellphone, mileage claims, etc? Who is ensuring that they are appropriate and not being used in his private employment/business ventures?
Are those items being used by John Dickert in his private employment? Does he make a trip to his Chicago Office for Heartland Solutions Group in his taxpayer funded car? Use his taxpayer funded cellphone for his other businesses?
Does he use his administrative assistant to perform other functions for his other employment?
What about city supplied computers, internet, or other supplies?
How deep does the corruption in Racine and Racine County run?
Dickert is a huge bully and has bullied these weak minded council members to do as he says "or else" and don't ask questions or you'll be replaced, just ask Ald. Kystyna Sarazzin how it's working for her? I think Ald. Diehl, Perez, Weidner and Sarrazzin have seen it now and are experiencing the lies and corruption on display, it's just sad they don't know what to do about it or where to turn, so they just flow along with it and Racine sinks. It's sad to watch.
Agreed, Dickert is a bully.
If an alderman had integrity, this would be reported to the appropriate state agencies. Even if it were, though, nothing might happen. One might have to go to the federal level.
I wonder if Pattern or Practice will get federal attention? The civil rights violations are blatant.
Speak of the devil: http://www.jtirregulars.com/2014/02/city-of-racine-and-mayor-named-in.html
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