I'm hoping that the Sheriff would post the live link on the sidebar...
The famed Bald Eagles from Decorah, Iowa are back on their nest and ready to start a new family! World famous and live streamed via the internet by the Raptor Resource Center, anyone can view the parents raise their eaglets from egg to fledglings from the comfort of their homes. Using inferred cameras and microphones, the eagles can be seen around the clock during the nesting season, which starts in January or February and runs till June.
Questions arise during this season. Will all the eggs hatch? Will the eaglets survive to leave the nest? How does the parents protect the nest? Who sits on the eggs and when? The questions we all could ask... It can be answered here.... Watch it and find out!
A link to this now appears on the sidebar underneath the Madame Zoltar link.
Attention all: in a quirk of the blog, titles no longer appear above sidebar lists such as Local News, Local Sites, AP News, etc. When these are edited, the titles appear correctly, but they don't appear when published. I assume this is a Blogger problem, so H, E, Double Hockey Sticks will probably freeze over before it's fixed. Then again, that may have froze over this past winter anyway.
OMG Drew, I have been watching for the past few days. They really are majestic creatures.
Thanks for posting this.
A link to this now appears on the sidebar underneath the Madame Zoltar link.
Attention all: in a quirk of the blog, titles no longer appear above sidebar lists such as Local News, Local Sites, AP News, etc. When these are edited, the titles appear correctly, but they don't appear when published. I assume this is a Blogger problem, so H, E, Double Hockey Sticks will probably freeze over before it's fixed. Then again, that may have froze over this past winter anyway.
Neat-o! Candid camera for eagles. I was just watching one sitting in the nest, on eggs, I assume.
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