Thursday, March 27, 2014

"Do It For Denmark!"

It's their patriotic duty to do it.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Why do we have to put up with this junk from some of these posters? It's not really relevant. WHY Jethro Tull? Why population control, when the population Is diminishing In their country? Why Euthanasia? Yes OPINIONS?, but not necessary. The post was perhaps for humorous reasons.? Just Sayin.

  3. Looks like Toad swallowed Hook, Line, and Sinker.

    Why the H8?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Tricky Dicky, It's not H8, It's just nonsense, and the sexual undertones are not suitable for some readers, I am not certain, but I don't think these types of comment are what the site intended, and will leave It at that.

  6. Back to the post.

    Hahahahaha. Do it for Denmark. I wouldn't mind a little vacation. ;>

  7. I didn't open the video so I don't know what it said, but I did it twice for Denmark and once for Poland

  8. I am Danish so think what you will about that.

  9. If I were younger, I'd fly to Denmark and check out the bars and clubs for women who want to do their patriotic duty. Kinda like foreign aid. It's the least I could do.

  10. Poor Toad.

    I'm Sorry.

    I feel Remorse.

    Enjoy your Cross Eyed Mary.

    Jethro Tull

    Google the lyrics at your own risque.

  11. Roosh V on Danish girls.

    Danish Girls Are The Most Masculine In The World

    Danish women possess no flirting ability. They have zero charm and zero allure. Not a feminine drop of blood courses through their veins. They don’t know how to treat you well, cook for you, or make you laugh. They don’t know how to look sexy. They won’t defer to your masculinity.

    If you’re stuck in Copenhagen and want something that reminds you of what a woman should be, your best bet is to find a foreign girl who has been in Denmark for less than one year. Otherwise you’ll get yourself a corrupted specimen of a woman that will make you less happy than your run-of-the-mill American girl who insists on wearing flip-flops twenty-four hours a day. It’s that bad.

    Even the Danish girls who have somehow escaped the corrupting influence of the androgynous culture (she’ll probably be from Jutland) will have some random masculine quality that fucks everything up. She’ll look good from across the bar, maybe even slightly sexy, but when you interact with her you’ll discover that she has a deep voice. Or she has man hands. Or she moves like a man. Or she has a slight mustache. Or she is arrogant like a man.
