Friday, March 21, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Do the TGIF dance!


lizardmom said...

good morning all, hopefully it will be a nice, warm, happy day for us!

OrbsCorbs said...

Happy Friday to everyone!

Everyone has lost a sock or two in the wash. How do you (I) lose a zippered, hooded sweatshirt? I've been back in the laundry room. I've looked everywhere. Try new Presto Disappear-o detergent! It gets your clothes so clean that you can't see them.!

OKIE said...

I'm always losing socks but this week I found one between the wall and the washer. As for the sweatshirt, that's a biggy.

It's FRIDAY!!! And keeping up with tradition, the weeks are nice and the weekends are cold. But it's okay, it's spring.

hale-bopp said...

At the airport waiting to board my flight...

OKIE said...

OMG - It's Friday and Hale is coming to town. Sorry I won't get to meet you Hale.

IRREGULARS - I have a job for you. I am aware of where you are going and I want to make sure that when KK has to use the bathroom, someone goes with her. We don't want a repeat performance of the last time.

kkdither said...

The emperor has no clothes...

Mary: I'll make sure to have my cell phone with me at all times. We certainly don't want a repeat of that fiasco! I wonder how long it would have taken someone to notice I was missing! :o

OrbsCorbs said...

I forgot about that. LOL. It's my job to have difficulty in the restroom, kk, not yours.

See you tomorrow, hale.

OKIE said...

KK It wouldn't have been very long. Proper etiquette dictates a reasonable amount of time before doing a search, and in your case rescue.

OrbsCorbs said...

kk, we would've called 911.

I found the hoodie sweatshirt. It gnawed at me. Turns out it was on the back of a chair that I had put my jacket over. It wasn't until I went for my jacket today that I saw it. But I distinctly remember putting it in the laundry basket. I wore it while I was sick the other day and it's mangy with sweat and puke. I put in the laundry basket because it had (has) to be washed.

It's bad enough being nuts, but then old age memory problems just make it worse.

SER said...


kkdither said...

Oh, goodie. 911... the hunky, beefy firemen would have had to use the jaws of life to open the stuck door! LMAO