Saturday, March 8, 2014

"Rubber band Babies"

This video is 9 months old, but it was new to me.

The first thing my mother would've said would be, "Stop it! You'll hit somebody in the eye!"


SER said...

it's a training video for future JTI'ers

OrbsCorbs said...

They clunk their heads a number of times, but it doesn't seem to bother them.

Just like the JT Irregulars when we have head-butting contests at our get-togethers.

kkdither said...

I posted another video a while back of these same babies, giggling and having a conversation about a missing sock. Their laughter and "joie de vie" is infectious. This is a great video!

Watch out mom and pop, these two are going to be a handful at 15!