Saturday, April 5, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Ar, arooooo! Arooooo!


  1. I'm right there with you dawg! It was a busy and looong week! I think the weather is making everyone crazy.

  2. I'm more in a meow mood although someone else around here is close to a full grown roar. Good thing he left for work. :}

  3. I feel bad I didn't make hubby breakfast before he left. He tries to eat really good thru the week with the anticipation of me making eggs or something on the weekends. I woke at 2am with a killer headache, took some advil, laid down on the couch til 6, it was even worse, took some more and crawled in bed with my neck roller machine. I wasn't in any shape when he got up, to get up, poor guy.. guess this calls for an amazing breakfast tomorrow! headache is gone for now. Thanks to a few accidents (none my fault), I have some things to use to help, guess I"ll be stretching/rolling/zapping my neck thru the day so I dont' have a headache repeat again

  4. "Howl" is a great poem by Allen Ginsberg.

    Sorry about your headache problems, lizardmom. Take care of yourself.
