Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Local Blog

It's entitled: Keep Racine's Water Rates Affordable For All

The url address is and it's listed in our sidebar list of local and area blogs

From Keep Racine's Water Rates Affordable For All:

"It is time for the Wisconsin State Legislature to end the abuse of Racine’s water utility revenues by introducing Legislation that will end the practice of allowing local Politicians to raise water rates,  siphon off water utility revenues, or issue water utility revenue bonds for local government operations or other development activities that are unrelated to the operations of the water utility.  Ensuring safe, clean and affordable drinking water for all is the only long term sustainable option that will not jeopardize  future Generations supply of safe, clean and affordable water."

Welcome to the local blogosphere.


  1. A valid topic to pursue,
    best wishes for success.

  2. The post has been updated.

    Slow to go!

  3. abut time someone puts an end to city hall abuse of the water dept.

    Some of the aldermen or who ever needs to stop dreaming up ways to suck money out of the public.

  4. What's nice is that there is now a link at the end of the post that will take a reader to the PSC site and there they can leave a comment.

    The hope is that there will be hundreds of comments opposing this unnecessary rate increase.

    Commenting is open until October 10,2014.

    Additional informational posts will appear, but they will be in the background.
