Thursday, May 22, 2014

New Toy

When I moved to my new apartment, I upgraded my internet service with Time Warner Cable because they offered me their highest speed for the same price I was already paying - for a year.  Part of the promotion was that if I kept the service for three months, I'd get a Samsung Galaxy  tablet for free.  It took a little while, but I finally received it today.  It looks very similar to the above picture

This is unknown technology to me, based on touch screen swipes and pulls.  I've studiously avoided getting involved with these upgrades in technology because I don't want to have to learn a new way to do the same old thing all over again.  Touchscreens bother me.  I don't have a cellphone. I'm a desktop PC man.  A dinosaur.

So, do any of you have experience with tablets, and if so, what are your impressions?  Wikipedia says 31% of internet users have a tablet.  I can't see much, if any, benefit for me in owning one.

What do you use your tablet for?

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A friend just stopped by.  He said I'll love the tablet.  I can watch Netflix in bed now.  


  1. I recently got a Galaxy Note 3. I had a flip phone for years and i finally broke it. the Note 3 is amazing, it a computer and i don't know shit about it. if i need to know something, i go on YouTube, everything you want to know is there, or i ask my grandkids.

  2. My new modem is supposed to also broadcast a wi-fi signal.

  3. Read modem instructions. It should tell you how to log into it and set passwords. Set a password for the wifi (at least 12 characters long) write it down and put it away. This will help keep others from using your wifi internet access.

  4. I just have a kindle, I use it to read myself to sleep, I made the background color black and the font off white, it's become a nightly ritual, falling asleep reading. I can play games on it, and check online stuff as well, but for typing, nothing beats the PC with a mouse!

  5. If you decide to keep the electronic wonder, I suggest to buy an otter box for it.
    The otter box will protect the device when you throw it in a fit of aggravation or rage while learning how to use it. Enough said?


  6. I have two actually. Didn't know I needed them but someone thought I did. There is a game we downloaded and it's called Simply Anagrams. They give you letters, you figure out words. I'm addicted.

    These are basically little computers Orbs. I believe they also take pictures. Make sure you download Norton on it.

  7. You've all read my rants over learning to use the Kindle Fire. I, too, was a "desktop man" before this device. The only directions that came with it was a business card sized manual which read, "Swipe to begin."

    It is the wave of the future. Keep it, learn, swear... set it down and walk away, come back and you won't regret it. You will enter the world of "Apps," and, as your friend stated, you will watch youtubes and tv shows while laying in bed.

    My advice is to get a stylus pen to help you with the small keyboard.

    This all typed from my kindle. I'm far, far, far from being a pro.

  8. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep it and learn how to use it in my "spare time."
