Monday, May 19, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Have a good day.


  1. so...very... tired...
    great, but very long day yesterday, celebrated youngest's college grad, then had a grad party for my neice to go to, started after I usually go to bed, so I'll be a zombie today, and heading to bed very early!

  2. Sheriff is feeling a bit loose at the lip this morning? Sun is shining, temps are moderate, everything is green and lush.... life is good.

  3. Here's something interesting. We got an e-mail at work from the "Federal Reserve Paying Center". It's actually from someone in Nigeria wanting to transfer lots of money to us and they want our banking information. These guys never give up, do they.

  4. Dunno what to say on that one...have
    a great day Irregulars!
