Thursday, May 8, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Are those cute or creepy?


  1. I feel like I'm being watched, too many open eyes, while I struggle to open my own

  2. Ah, rain. Keep it coming, please.

    Have a good one Irregulars.

  3. I say cute. Happy end of the week. I'm planning on celebrating a day early. Supposed to reach close to 80. Feels spectacular out there already.

  4. lizardmom...who is watching you?
    There have been peep toms reported

  5. Mary- We are going to be getting storms today. It will help my flower garden I have going this year.

    LM- Who would be watching you while you are sleeping?

    I just wish with the warm weather we could go and enjoy it with out the rain. But I would rather the rain than the nasty white stuff.

  6. Here is something I find odd. I had to replace checks the other day and when I did, I noticed there were 3 deposit slips. Now, in this day and age where most people use their debit cards, why only put 3 deposit slip in? I'm going to run out of them a lot faster than I am checks.
    Just askin....

  7. I was referring to all the eyeballs in the letters, kinda creepy while I Was trying to open my own eyes. Reading this right now, after work, dealt with my nemesis, creepy pom pom thief - He rides a pedal bike, 3:30am, thru our DT and takes any change they didn't pick up before close. this morning, he stopped, looked me right in the eye and took whatever he found, looked me in the eye again and left... ballsy jerk, will be letting one of my 3rd shift cop buddies in on his shenanigans, do not like this guy one bit

  8. (he wears a yellow winter jacket and a winter hat with a big old pom pom on top, looks like a real winner...

  9. I was out doing some yard work and I smashed my finger to the point of
    SEVERE PAIN lasting 15 minutes. Then I went back out and moved a tarp for our garage sale and got attacked by many large black ants
    that bit me and were all over me
    in seconds. I'm going in...I give up.

  10. Beautiful weather.

    Mary, they put only three deposit slips per check pad, or for the whole package? Either way, that's nuts. I once had a whole pad of deposit slips printed up.

    If anyone is watching me, I hope they have fun. There's not much to watch.

  11. WOW BLB, when you have a bad day, you go all out, such an over achiever, hope Friday and the weekend are better and much less eventful :)
