Saturday, May 24, 2014

RIP Dad...

My dad was a medic in Germany during WWII


  1. SER- That is a really nice picture of your dad. I am so happy that you shared this with us.

    My dad was in the Koren War which is more known as the forgotten war. He drove the 2 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck with the gas tank trailer on the back. He told me he would drive it over the minefields.

  2. You can sure see the family resemblance, SER.

    My dad was also in WWII. He was stationed in the South Pacific as an airplane mechanic. He was a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 1391, in Racine. He was very proud of our country and of his service. He rarely spoke to us of the details. I wish I would have asked him more about it.

  3. That is an honored job! Prayers and thanks to him for helping the injured
    In the worst and most helpless time for

  4. Yes, he looks like a younger you.

  5. I alway's thought It was you, and It was from Vietnam. I really like the picture. Nice smile, considering the horrible job.

    It's very nice of you to remember your dad with us. This weekend Is FOR really the Vet's from our country, NOT for Brat, Beer, and all the rest, unless time I set aside to remember those that served, and particularly those that died for this country.

    Since my Grandpa Johnson was the only family member to serve In a war, this weekend was alway's reserved for my Mom, and her two Sisters to decorate his grave, AND the graves of all of the family members that have passed. Since I moved I alway's feel sad that I don't get to Racine to visit these graves, at Graceland, Mound, and Calvery.

    THANK YOU for remembering what Memorial Day Is all about.

  6. I was out of high school 2 weeks when i got my draft notice. that was 1967.

    they wouldn't take me because i had high blood pressure.

  7. thank you SER, great post! I love how West Lawn puts up so many flags in honor of Memorial Day, chokes me up just to see what an amazing job they do to honor the fallen vets

  8. Ser, great pic to remember your father.
    The greatest generation in America paid a heavy price so the next generations could screw it all up.
    Respect, learn history and never forget.
