Monday, July 28, 2014

"Dickert fundraises as others mull challenges for 2015 election"

From The Journal

"RACINE — April 7 is more than eight months away, but the 2015 race for Racine mayor may already have started — if only in coffee shops, living rooms and party headquarters.

"With Mayor John Dickert seeking re-election, and local political circles already buzzing about potential challengers, four local residents have told The Journal Times they are at least considering a run for the seat.

"While no one has officially announced that they are running, the would-be candidates — the Rev. Melvin Hargrove, Alderman Eddie Diehl, Alderman Sandy Weidner and Robin Coventry — all said they are contemplating throwing their hats in the ring."

Read more: 

Run, Sandy, run!


  1. I think that one of us in the JT Irregulars should start running for office... I'm sure we could do a better job at every level.

  2. The community needs Ald Sandy Weidner to run for Mayor, she is the only one who even remotely gets the city and how it is supposed to function, she has seen the corruption and arrogance far to much and is Racine's only hope. Oh and stop reading the BS articles formulated by Cara Spoto and the JT/City Hall.

  3. Weidner is an idiot.
