Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Cheer on, honeybees!


  1. allergies are in full swing, wowsers!
    hoping to see my cousin while he's in town for a couple days, it's been a few years. Happy Tuesday all!

  2. 50ft cat-5 cable from BestBuy $35.00

    50ft cat 6 cable (which is better then a cat-5) $11.99

    Item Subtotal: $11.99
    Shipping & Handling: $8.74
    Total Before Tax: $20.73
    Reward Points: -$4.00
    Order Total: $16.73

    eBay use to be less expensive but once it really caught on price popped right up and you can get stuff from Amazon now a lot cheaper.

    And on that note ya'll have a nice day.

  3. Happy Tuesday everyone. Hope you feel better LM

  4. SER, there was a news type show on just last night about Amazon. I think it was called "Raising Amazon." They said that Amazon.com is going after all retailers, including supermarkets. They are taking a concerted "hit" by offering prices lower than cost, simply to get your business and run the competition out.

    The CEO said that investors are playing the waiting game on returns, with the premise of the returns being a significant amount (billions) as more and more shoppers move to Amazon.

    I think I still would have bought the cable as you did. Why pay double?

  5. We had an earthquake here Saturday night...a 5.2, I was outside and felt it...although I didn't realize it was an earthquake. I was running telescopes at a str party and it felt like I was standing on a wooden deck and someone was jumping. Problem is I was on cement...I looked around assuming it was roughhousing kids but didn't see any...got home and found out there was an earthquake. No damage obviously, but interesting.

  6. Wow, Hale.... a cement ledge would have really been a bad think if there would have been a collapse.
    Any floor ledge could have been deadly. Alaska just had a major earthquake.

    Maybe the world is coming to an end again? Signal for a party to me!
    Lizardmom...hope you feel better.

  7. Happy 1st of July. Just three more days till a three day weekend.

  8. Hale trust me when I tell you it will happen again. 5.2 is pretty big.
    Happy 1st day of July to you too Orbs. Where has the time gone.

  9. We are officially in the 2nd half of 2014... Where has the time gone?
