We had a great time up north for our few days up there. Wednesday we left at 8am and on the way up north we stopped at Horicon National Wildlife Refuge in Lomira Wi., then we went to Appleton Wi and visited and had dinner with my older daughter, from there we stopped at Mack Wildlife refuge in Black Creek Wi, then we went to my sons house to drop off food for the cookout the next day and finally made it up to Drews parents house at about 7pm.
On Thursday we went to a place called Regi in Antigo Wi this place takes in raptors if they are injured or orphans. The injured the rehabilitate and then release them back into the wild. It was very interesting to see what they do there and it is a non-profit organization. We do have pictures and will post them soon. Then from there we went to pick up my kids step sister and then went to my son's house for the cookout and fireworks.
Friday we went and did some birding and wildflowers at Shelter Valley Rd in Three Lakes Wi. Then we spent the day with Drews parents.
Saturday we left Drews parents between 10 and 11am and on the way home we stopped to pick up my kids step sister and she came back with us for awhile we also stopped to see my mom for awhile. Then on the way home we stopped at Buena Vista in Bancroft to do some birding. We finally made it home about 9pm. This was one long weekend of driving for me.
I did manage to get some wildflower pictures during this time and I am going to share them with everyone. These are new ones for me here they are-
This is a Orange Hawkweed taken on County Road DD in Pickereal Wi.
This is a Perennial Pea taken on Shelter Valley Road in Three Lakes Wi.
This is a Purple Loosestrife taken at Mack Wildlife Refuge in Black Creek Wi.
This is Cow Vetch taken at Horicon National Wildlife Refuge in Lomira Wi on the auto tour trail.
This is Hairy Phlox taken at Buena Vista in Bancroft Wi.
I just hope everyone enjoys the pictures we had taken from up north. We always enjoy going out to take the pictures to share with everyone.
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
As usual, THB, you're pictures are great. I especially like the Orange Hawkweed. They're all beautiful, and all out there waiting for us to take a look and see.
very pretty!
Very nice. Love the orange color!
Thank you everyone for the comments. I am so happy that you are enjoying the flowers.
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