Hello everyone and welcome back! It has been a long, long week.... Looking forward to a quiet weekend. Anyways, here's your questions...
1) What creatures have you seen in your backyard?
2) What song are you sick of hearing on the radio?
3) How many text messages do you usually get a day?
4) If you had to do over again, what would you study in school?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
I guess I will go first this week.
1) Downy Woodpeckers and Goldfinch.
2) To many to say.
3) I get all the text messages from the kids so that would be anywhere from 10-20.
4) If I was going to go to college I probably would try to get some kind of office job.
Have a great weekend!
1) What creatures have you seen in your backyard?
A. vultures.....and lots of them, what do you think it means?
2) What song are you sick of hearing on the radio?
A. Radio?
3) How many text messages do you usually get a day?
A. one to two too
4) If you had to do over again, what would you study in school?
A. I would study the future
Irregulars , here is something to ponder, * INSANITY * The U.S. is bringing two ebola stricken near death healthcare workers into the U.S. Here is my question, why would we bring ebola into the United States?
Have a great weekend irregulars!
1. Possum, raccoons, cats, dogs, Doves, Robins, Sparrows. It's amazing what you get when you put a bird feeder up.
2. No complaints as I listen to CD's.
3. 3-4.
4. Interesting question.
As for the INSANITY question, from what I've heard, if proper protocols are used, no one will get sick.
1. Toads, Frogs, Rabbits, Possums, Squirrels, Moles, Deer, God only know's whats In the woods back there.
2. I don't listen to new music, so I can't get any sicker than I am about ALL of It.
3. None, I don't do TEXT. It makes NO sense to me.
4. Politics, thus I would be a PAID for life politician.
1. Raccoon's, squirrels, rabbits, many different birds, wasps, hornets, skeeters and other icky insects, and once an opossum and I was told a fox, but I didn't see him personally... and DAMN chipmunks.
2. Rarely listen to a radio anymore.
3. That is a tricky question. I setup my email to receive and send text messages through SMS. (It is free that way) It works almost seemlessly so I don't know which witch is which.
4. Spanish. I also would have learned, for the sake of learning by taking more chances, instead of worrying about grade point averages.
1. Raccoon, opossum, bobcat, rat snakes of various colors (not often, KK and SER), fox...I think that's all.
2. I have SIRIUS....love it. Can't say there's a song I truly hate.
3. Oh dear...maybe one or two. I'm not great at texting. I call.
4. I think I would go into Social Work. I've spent much of my life doing that anyway.
Have a great weekend.
I didn't mention the birds, Drew....oops...or the lizards, skinks, efts, etc....
Oh, I'm not done...I have a wildlife preserve here! Here are the birds I see regularly: hawks, southern and northern cardinal (the fat ones come from the north!), owl, blue jay, finches, wren, sparrows, mourning doves, pileated woodpeckers, and various other birds. I have seen a roseste spoonbill, herons, wood stork, ducks, etc.
So far no gators. I have seen various tortoise. But, and this is huge, NO SKUNKS!
Okay, I'm done. Byeeeeee.
1. birds, owls, possums, skunks, chipmunks, cats, dogs, raccoons, rabbits, toads, squirrel and most recently a Puxatawny Phil look-a-like (yes, we think the monster big ground hog lives under the neighbors deck!big dude!)
2. I only listen to the radio (easy listening) to sleep to. I don't know what's current.popular, as I only listen to CD's in the car, but there is one over played , something about a guys kingdom?
3. As we have an old plan and no data plan, therefore, we don't text, we can receive for free, so maybe 1-2 a week on a good week
4. I always wanted to be a truck driver, but then I met the hubby... and the eyeballs started failing... still think it would be cool to go to trucker 'school', just to say I did! oh ya, good buddy!
1) No politicians, yet.
2) I don't listen to the radio much anymore.
3) 0.
4) Back in high school they were offering strange computer classes in "FORTRAN" and stuff. Can you imagine getting in on the ground floor of the computer boom?
Thanks for the questions, drew, and everyone have a good weekend.
1) What creatures
Your garden variety of critters, rabbits, raccoons, had a possum, neighbor's cat, right now i have a baby bunny.
2) What song
any that remains in my little brain cell all day...damn i hate that.
3) How many text
75 to 100
4) study in school?
Yes, a little bit more, but I would not drop the partying. no, no, no...that would be un-American
1) Beejay, I have to visit you someday...
Tender Heart and I live in an apartment complex, a place one is not expecting any wildlife. Amazingly, we've seen a quite a bit!
A short list here-Downy Woodpeckers, House Sparrows, House Finches, goldfinch, Mourning Doves and juncos (in the winter) visit our feeders regularly. Occasionally, nuthatches, chickadees, hummingbirds and cardinals. We've seen Cooper's Hawks, Canada Goose, Mallards, nighthawks, swallows, gulls, a Sandhill Crane, swallows, Chimney Swifts, a Bald Eagle, Turkey Vultures, Cedar Waxwings, Chipping Sparrows, starlings fly over and/or on the property.
Others critters include skunks, racoons, squirrels and possums.
2) Too many to mention here. Among them is a tune from my favorite band, Led Zeppelin-That would be "Stairway to Heaven"
3) About a couple a day, mostly from Tender Heart.
4) I'd study ornithology for sure!
Squirrels? Fruit rats? You want to know about the vermin too? I don't see rabbits too often because of some of the other guys hanging about.
ok, I searched to find out what my 2 most over played songs are that drive me buggy - Imagine Dragons "Demons", the song in itself is good, hearing it at least 3 times an hour, not so good...
the other I like except for when he does the high parts and his voice changes, don't like that part AT ALL... John Legend "All of me"
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