Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
Fudge, family and friends.
fantastic!Yesterday was rather productive, downsizing and organizing, we'll see what today brings!
NO.Clearly it is - FAGS, as evidenced by what she is holding in her hand, putting to her lips, and sucking on.fagnoun [C] (CIGARETTE) /fæɡ/ UK slang› a cigarette: a packet of fags She's gone outside for a quick fag. There were fag ends all over the floor.
IT'S FRIDAY!!!! LM - I wish I had your energy.Have a great day Irregulars.
Where has SER been?
He's around.Happy Friday!
Hang'in in there OKIE.FAG's, gezzzzz Tricky Dicky, I haven't' heard smokes call that in a long time.I think today, if someone says FAG they're talking about a "Bend over Bill"....
the "F" word, I think it's "For-Shit", it's a hyphenated word.
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Fudge, family and friends.
Yesterday was rather productive, downsizing and organizing, we'll see what today brings!
Clearly it is - FAGS, as evidenced by what she is holding in her hand, putting to her lips, and sucking on.
noun [C] (CIGARETTE) /fæɡ/ UK slang
› a cigarette: a packet of fags She's gone outside for a quick fag. There were fag ends all over the floor.
LM - I wish I had your energy.
Have a great day Irregulars.
Where has SER been?
He's around.
Happy Friday!
Hang'in in there OKIE.
FAG's, gezzzzz Tricky Dicky, I haven't' heard smokes call that in a long time.
I think today, if someone says FAG they're talking about a "Bend over Bill"....
the "F" word, I think it's "For-Shit", it's a hyphenated word.
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