Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday


Have we done 'Big Wednesday' before?


  1. good morning Beejay and everybody else!
    I"m off to a slow morning, off today except for a meeting at 10, but lots planned in the rest of the time

  2. Apparently I am the dog rescue person in the neighborhood.
    Saturday Mindy was loose again and I had to bring her home. In her defense she was heading that way.

    Last night hubby was watering when a pretty black dog wandered by. It was Leroy from around the corner. He didn't want to go home. Ran into some neighbors walking their cat.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. Haven't had a cold in over 3 years.
    Have one now and feel like crap.
    Looking forward to coming out to the

  4. Hi everyone. It was a BIG Wednesday for me. Maybe gigantic. When I know more... I'll share.

  5. My truck needs work, so it's BIG Poop Wednesday.

  6. This is BLB....

    KK is either pregnant, getting married, divorced, adopting a pit bull, got a new job in the deli,
    or won a VW. Can't wait to hear.
