Saturday, August 30, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

I'm ready.


  1. hubby's finally home so we can celebrate our anniversary and I have to go to work... poo... out at 10 tho and off tomorrow with (thanks to a hero coworker) a very short shift Monday so I can spend more time with him before he goes "poof" again

  2. Is that pooch trying to steal my trademark? Happy weekend, Irregularians!

  3. Have a grand holiday! I'm checking out another restaurant today. I will be so happy when this kitchen is done!

    A lot of you may not know this, but the first time I walked into a bar alone was when I first met the JTIs. It's old hat for me now, but I still don't feel real comfortable when I do it.

    Enjoying the SC weather. Nice morning breezes. I can open the house up and get some fresh air!

  4. Good morning Racine-Nam
    Where is Robin Williams when we need him?

  5. Cool start to a three-day weekend.
