From Racine Exposed:
"The roller-coaster ride for the overtaxed People of
Racine County continues, as the Culture of Corruption rears it’s ugly
head once again.
"The TOP STORY goes to Racine Mayor John Dickert, who
in an interview on WRJN, misrepresents Alderman Sandy Weidner’s
position on Root Works, and then is called out, LIVE! and on the air by
Alderman Weidner as a liar!"
Read more:
Loose Cannon.
From the Urban Dictionary:
In the days of sail, naval vessels mounted cannon carefully and purposefully rigged into positions which optimised the effect of their fire. Occasionally, the rigging of these very heavy guns might come loose, and with the vessel pitching about on high seas or during manuever in battle, the results for the ship and crew could prove catastrophic. The term has come to describe a person lacking prudence or insight, whose actions and/or speech jeopardises the safety of people in their proximity or under their authority.
Like a drunken bully, the politician shrugged off his advisors and taunted the insurgent forces operating in the country his armies were attempting to pacify. He had become a LOOSE CANNON.
And, some MUSIC!
Hey, it is Summer!
Winger - Can't Get Enough!
You don't make it easy, you never keep it straight
But you're so damn sexy, I can't keep away
I need your love, I need your skin
I need you baby to let me in
I can't get enough of you baby
I can't get enough, it's never enough
I can't get enough, I'm still hungry
Baby, give it up, cause I can't get enough (huh)
It's alright, it feels good
When I'm in your chains, it's understood
That you're my owner, my only will
Come and get me while I'm quiet and still
Theory of a Deadman.
I must admit, having S*x with my GF in the backseat of my Mother's Buick Century at Johnson's Park is a favorite memory.
LOL. Today the bushes are gone!
It ain't the same.