Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Sing out in joy, or else.


  1. not a singer, and still battling this darn throat... as productive as I was all last week, I am 'celebrating' this week by being non productive, must balance it out, ya know! :)

  2. Up and at 'em....morning in the swamp.

  3. LM - sad you are under the weather a bit but yet glad. Because of you I have been thinking it time to start the fall cleaning. Is it okay if I grrr you during the process?

    Have a good one. Chilly start here - in the 50's.

  4. Feel better Lizardmom.

    THB thanks for the Birthday wishes.

    OKIE.... is it windy there in OK?

  5. BLB - it is always windy down here. In Spring and Fall when the winds really pick up, it is always a sign that the weather is getting ready to change. Not in a good way either.

    BTW - I just got the scam call at work telling me my computer is messed up and to press 1 to speak to a Microsoft engineer. Happened to a lady here and they got into her computer and that was not good. The caller ID said the call was from Georgia. I so wanted to speak to someone but I didn't have my whistle.

  6. OKIE- I have gotten the calls and I pressed 1 to talk to someone and told them to take me off there list or I was calling my lawyer and never gotten another call again.

  7. Okie, you can grrrr at me to your hearts content :) I'm taking this week to be unmotivated, I way over did all expectations, unexpectedly, thanks to youngest flying the coup. All she left here is jam packed in the closet, the rest of the room actually looks like a room again, it hasn't in years...
    this is my latest motivator - flylady.net, you can sign up for her emails, but you get ALOT. I follow her on facebook instead, and you don't miss anything, and it helps, check it out -

  8. Still no Belated Birthday cake. What .... Are the virtual bakers on strike or are they too busy with getting ready for Halloween?
