Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

It's Tequila Tuesday.


  1. I like it TT, tequila Tuesday.

    Jose Gold (to me) is the best.

    So enjoy your day everyone...

  2. Morning. Still in the hills of SC. more contractors, more work!

  3. I am going to need that by the end of today. First I get woken up at 1:30 this morning by my older daughter in Appleton telling me that my older sister's boyfriend past away and I still had to take Drew to work so I can go to physical therapy. This is not a good start to my day.

  4. Sorry THB. We've all been on a rough road. Hang in there, Irregulars, smoother sailing is ahead.

    I'm home sick today. Had a rumble in the jungle yesterday and thought my head might explode last night. I'll pass on the Jose.

  5. THB, I'm so sorry :( you've really been thru the ringer lately.
    Off today, hoping to be moderately productive, we'll see...

  6. Amazing how a bottle of tequilla can get the Irregulars moving in the morning.

    THB - I'm sorry for your loss; middle of the night phone calls always reveal bad news.

    KK - I hope you feel better soon. With school back in session, sickness is sure to follow.

    Off to work and then driving Mr. Daisy again. He is scheduled for a epidural on Friday. Hopefully that will help him.

    Have a good one everyone.

  7. Thank God, and the JTI Sheriff for getting me back on.

  8. Orbs, God told me he reads the JTI every day.

    He likes some of the jokes and the picture posts and others post which people put up whether it be personal or otherwise.
