Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Smooch someone today.


  1. Smooches to my Irregular friends. Happy Wednesday!

  2. Morning folks! Going to be a good day.

  3. I think today is the last day in the 90's for a while. Amen to that.

    I also have that same spider stalking me again. He was by the bedroom window, and then moved to the other one. This morning I looked out and he's back. He's ugly.

    Have a good day Irregulars. Enjoy the warm weather while it's here.

  4. Okie he is just saying good morning to you.

    I have or back door open and just sitting here listening to the rain coming down. We are under flash flood warning for today.

  5. First morning I saw my thermometer below 70 in months...fall is coming!

  6. Dang we had another piece of equipment failure with AT&T. That makes 6 pieces in 9 months.

    This time they sent me a replacement wireless receiver AND a spare receiver and a remote.

    I asked the guy at the UPS Store if they get a lot of them, he told me they get so many that they stay busy with them alone.

  7. Today is the day that the top commenter effectively DESTROYED EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAD BUILT OVER THE YEARS.

    JT Irregulars is now REGULAR.


  8. Cold front. Down to 77. How great is that.

    R&D you are quite wrong in that assumption.

  9. OKIE...dang, it's down to Fity Five here right now

  10. Lows in the low 70s here. Highs low 90s.
