Anywho, we went up a month early to check on some places to hunt and stayed in the cabin. The day we left the farmer gave us a big bag of Rutabagas. This was in October. Got home and took them in the house, no biggie.
Come summer my car is starting to stink. I looked everywhere, in the trunk, under the seats, even took the back seat out.
Finally, after a couple of weeks it was so bad I looked all over again and decided to take the spare tire out. I had a ’69 Plymouth Roadrunner and the spare was mounted in the back of the trunk on a slant.
I pull the tire out and there it was. “The runaway rutabaga, sitting there pulsating”!
It had rolled out of the bag and came to rest behind the tire. Then came the cleaning…
I love baggies. I can't imagine what fresh one taste like?
My stinky story, Is also from North. near Wild Rose. We had part ownership of a BEAUTIFUL cottage (until we moved here, and went broke) and went In early In the year, and It really stunk. Turned out mice climbed into the insulation of the stove, and DIED. The whole stove had to be taken apart, cleaned, and re-insulated. I didn't do It, My wife's cousin did. Better him than me.
After my mom died and we were cleaning out the cupboards, in the farthest place possible, I found an acorn squash. It had been there a while as it was just a little ball. I can imagine my mother going "I know I bought an acorn squash" and not being able to find it. Probably thought she was losing it. She was only it wasn't her mind, it was the squash. Had I not "crawled into" the cupboard I might not have found it either.
My smell would come and go. It was noticeable in my back hall. I thought it was coming from the garbage can, so took it out. It was better, then returned. This went on for a few days...on and off.
One morning it was terrible, gagging terrible. I was walking around like a bloodhound, sniffing for the smell. I had to find it, and I did.
I have a wicker, hanging basket in my back hall that I use for plastic grocery bags. Somehow, a potato had gotten in there and settled to the bottom. The smell would be strong for a few hours after I pulled out a bag and disturbed it. Made perfect sense. Crazy how awful food can smell when decomposing.
Those darn potatoes will get you every time.
Such an interesting topic for a blog, SER. I think everyone has had a brush with stink in their lives.
Yes, Beejay. Potatoes are horrible when they go over the edge.
Remember my Chevy Caprice? It happened with THAT car...
It was that funky smell I had in the car for a couple of weeks when the weather warmed after a cold winter. I just couldn't figure what is was nor where it came from. A serious cleaning was needed to figure it out. There is was! Jammed underneath the seat cushion was a container of earthworms that I had forgotten about since the previous fall when my son and I went fishing...
My father-in-law had a Barracuda in the garage along with the regular car. He told me one day that the Cuda had been sitting so long that the clock stopped.
He noticed the odor immediately. The last time they took the Cuda out, they ordered Chinese. They put the leftovers in the trunk. They forgot. He finally had to have the trunk's carpeting replaced.
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