I am sorry I have not posted any Fall pictures lately. I have been really busy with all my doctor appointments and physical therapy. Then we had to get ready to go up north for our Grandson's 2nd Birthday party and visit with our families with in a couple of days. With all of the driving by the time we had gotten home I just wanted to go to bed and stay there for about a week I was just so tired. Yesterday I just felt like I was still driving at times.
I do have some really nice Fall pictures to share with you from up north. Yes there was still just a little bit of colors out in place up there. Here they are-
This picture was taken on Hwy 47 just outside of Black Creek in Wi. I stopped the car to take pictures and my daughter goes to me seriously.
This picture was taken on Cty Rd Dd in Pickeral in Wi. I took this picture because I thought it was really pretty with the light.
This picture was taken on Hwy 55 in the Menominee Reservation in Wi. I just like how the tree crosses over the road.
This picture was taken on Hwy 55 in the Menominee Reservation in Wi. I just love all the different colors on the tops of the trees.
This picture of the Tamarack Trees was taken on Hwy 52 in Lily Wi. This is right along side a bike and snowmobile trail.
This is on Cty Hwy W in Oconto County in Wi. This is by my mom's old house. I stopped on top of a hill to get this picture.
I hope everyone enjoys the pictures as much as I do going out and getting the pictures. I do have more from up north I will share with you another week. Have a good week everyone!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Great photos THB. Thanks for posting.
You do have a great eye. Thanks for sharing the colors with us! I'm hoping you do your Halloween decoration idea. It is fun to see what people dream up. I have a scarecrow on my door.... so lame. ;>
Thanks for posting. I think you know I was born in Ovonto Falls. If you cruise down Hy 22 east of Gillett, you will see a Town Hall Bldg about a mile east of Mr. Albert's or the Lilac Club. That's where I went to grade school for my first four years of school. Continue down 22 and just beyond Pipgrass Rd, is a small road to the left, Washbisch Road. That was our farm...nothing there now. It's about a mile west of Oconto Falls.
I will be visiting there next year to see my folks graves in Gillett and now my mother in law in Oconto. I always visit the graves of my parents. A lot of memories......
"Oconto Falls!" Why does it keep changing it?
Thank you everyone for the nice comments. This may be the last of the pictures I am able to get but I am going to try to get some more. I do have a few more from up north.
KK- I am going out Friday to get some Halloween pictures to share with everyone.
Beejay- I know exactly were you are talking about. That is a really nice area up there too. I have been through there quite often with my family and just my kids and I.
Very nice pics,, THB.
Soon - all white.
so pretty! I just wish the leaves would hang on longer, for us to enjoy. Soon all the trees will be naked
LM- So do I because they are so pretty when they change colors.
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