Saturday, October 25, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Have a good one.


  1. Morning, groan. I could have slept in...well, this is sleeping in for me! Up and at 'em...morning in the swamp.

  2. The only problem with starting the weekend is that there is an end to it, and that comes too quickly. I don't need Mme. Zoltar to foresee there is laundry in my near future.

  3. finally coerced my eyelids open. sun is shining, that's the best part!
    hubby is replacing our main kitchen counter, so most of my kitchen is divided between the 'now' spare room, and all over and stacked in the livingroom. I actually think I can find anything! Stove is disconnected, oh drat, guess I can't cook! ahaha!

  4. It felt so good to sleep in today. Drew was us early and went out birding.

    LM- That just means you get to go out to eat since you don't have no stove to cook on.

  5. Enjoy the weather. It's not going to last.

  6. The counter is in! Much dust has been riled up, air cleaners are on turbo, trying to keep up with it all. I'm still breathing, for the most part, but have a feeling Tuesday (doc isn't in on Mondays), the phone call will go something like this -
    "hi, I need another round of prednisone"
    "what wrong?"
    "just tell the doc that fall allergies + hubby + kitchen remodel, she'll know the rest"
    Yes, my doctor knows that either it's usually my mom's house with her many cats, or my hubby and one of his projects, is the likely cause. She'll totally understand, no other questions necessary! I love having a doctor that knows me so well!

  7. Hello all. Yesterday I had to drive Mr. Daisy to Crescent OK which is about 40 miles. I didn't mind until we ended up on gravel,dirt, and finally red clay roads. A little scary as the red clay was soft and we slid a bit. But we made it.
    A record breaking weekend with Temps in the high 80's. This is it though as a cold front moving in.
    I can't believe it's the last week of October already.
    Hope you keep feeling good LM
