From Racine County Eye:
woman suffering from postpartum-depression and other mental health
issues was charged after she punched, bit and tried to 'rip off' her
husband’s penis at a residence in the 3400 block of Ivy Lane on Monday,
according to a criminal complaint by the Racine County District Attorney’s Office.
"The 28-year-old Caledonia
woman was charged with a misdemeanor count of battery – domestic abuse,
disorderly conduct – domestic abuse assessments, and a misdemeanor count
of bail jumping. If convicted, the woman faces up to one year, three
months in prison and/or fines up to $21,000.
"According to the criminal complaint, the woman had been drinking and
had just starting taking her medication for a mental health issue when
she confronted her husband about cheating on her. She had also been
evicted from her home earlier that day. The man refused to let the woman
take their baby and her two children from the home, and the two started
"A witness told an officer with the Caledonia Police Department
that the woman lunged at her mother-in-law, who was holding the baby,
and knocked her down to the ground. She then lunged at her husband, who
lost his shirt and his pants were pulled down.
"The woman 'began hitting him with a closed fist and opened hand
approximately 13 times, as well as bit him in his left shoulder.' She
also 'grabbed his penis in a violent manner as if she wanted to rip it
off,' and the woman 'refused to release his penis, she ended up on the
ground,' according to the complaint.
"The man had several scrapes and scratches, but did not seek medical
treatment. He told police that he didn’t want the woman arrested, but
wanted her to get help for her mental health issues."
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12 hours ago
Boy o boy, does that bring back memories. The number of times I've found myself in that exact same situation.
Wow. Apparently she doesn't understand you can't take meds and drink. And that is why she should be put in the "E" ward for a while. As terrible as this sounds, I'm glad she went after her husband instead of the kids.
DodgeBoy - you are cracking me up.
So many questions.... How it is that he lost his shirt and his pants were down? How did she have that much access to his private parts? You would think that after a punch or 13 to the groin, he would be a bit too doubled up to have it bitten and then yanked, too. OMG!
DodgeBoy, Been Ages to hear from you, but that is a GREAT comeback, comeback.
How unfortunate for him. She didn't have to FIND It first. SEE, shorter Is better.
Perhaps this is a new penis elongation technique?
$21,000 fine, Is that what a penis is worth? Laugh'in
Yikes. Wild times in Caledonia!
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