From Racine County Corruption:
RCC has four blogs on the shooting death of a dog by the police this past week. Read more here:
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
I can't handle stories about pets or children who are hurt. I picked up Thursday's newspaper with the headline: 4-Year-Old Shot in Head. I've been anxious ever since. I don't want to live amongst those who harm their children or their pets.
I am really concerned about how our society is headed. There seems to be an every man for him/herself mentality and a widespread lack of compassion and general disregard for our fellow man. Now, innocent children are being caught in the crossfire of lawlessness. It makes me sick. What will it come to before we learn?
That being said, often times, the links provided to some of these stories are just as troubling to me; therefore it is hard to comment. The style and content of writing, libelous name calling and condemnation before legal procedure makes it hard to understand and form an opinion of what is the non-biased truth. Our news sources are just as bad as the criminals: they have an agenda... it either protects the perpetrators or judges and sentences someone pre-trial.
I can honestly say I am glad that we live here... Dont get me wrong I love my hometown but it's not the same place it once was.. Now that I have 2 little ones of my own I feel quite safe here with them. quite some years ago 2 people were stabbed in the big city that is closest to us (30 mins away by car) the whole city was in shock, they had a city wide moment of silence and to this day it's a big deal.. It just seems like terrible things happen way too often over there.. I'm sorry to say that I do not think it will ever be my home again..
those of you who were around in the 60's should remember how the police worked. they would cut you all kinds of slack but mess with them, kiss your ass goodbye
now days before for the police can do anything they need to get a note from their mom and especially the mailman
they bust the ass to do a job and the Frigg 'in court puts them right back on the street, the bad guys at is.
SER, you nailed it. when I was growing up in Milwaukee, we had beat cops. They talked to us kids and got to know us and we got to know them. A very different time.
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