Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My 6th Week at the VA - Union Grove...

I ended up with a whole new dimension to my job as a Unit Coordinator out at the VA retirement home in Union Grove. Not only am I doing much better (though still room for improvement, trust me), I'm also my own receptionist for the building, and, as if that weren't a good enough in being multidimensioned tasks, I had a young man come in with home made Thanksgiving cards for the Veterans.

So, anyway, he introduces himself as being from Shepherd's College. He asks if I'd heard of that college. I said, as a matter of fact, no. Well, come to find out, it's an actual college in Union Grove, not too far from the VA. It's for special needs adults, and they take in those who need to learn anything from daily living skills to horticulture and culinary arts. Pretty cool.

Anyway, I typed up a nice letter from me on behalf of the veterans and staff. So now, I'm sharing their information in case you know people who could benefit from this college for those who may need extra help getting into the regular world.
Official Website: http://www.shepherdscollege.edu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shepherdscollege
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shepherdscollge
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/shepherdscollge/

And of course, my favorite type of site, Blogger: http://shepherdscollegeblog.blogspot.com/
Please check them out, I feel like I am some sort of Ambassador. Pretty neat.

To my friends here with the Irregulars, have a very happy Thanksgiving!


  1. So amazing and uplifting. Thank you so much for sharing with us, Lika. What a gift to have a job that can change someones life!

  2. I'd never heard of Shepherd's College, either.

    It sounds like they do great work.

    Thank you for sharing, Lika.

  3. Shepherd's College is just west of the County Fair Grounds
