Monday, November 10, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

I thought we weren't going to negotiate with the terrorist days of the week


  1. it's feeling like a true Monday...

  2. Madame Z... could you speak to Mother Nature and ask her to be a little bit gentler?

    Happy Monday everyone!

  3. Our last nice day and then the bottom drops out. 75 today, 40's tomorrow. We know it's coming as the winds are howling. No snow though until this weekend. If that is the case and the hubby's back is better, I will start putting up the Christmas decorations. Got a new tree Saturday night.

    Stay warm Irregulars.

  4. We are safe for a bit longer, Okie. Cool today...high of 76 ...warming up tomorrow. Dry weather after a very wet Sunday.

  5. One more thing, WAY TO GO PACKERS!!! It was a rout.

    Sorry THB.

  6. OKIE- Yes I know about the game. I shut the t.v. off the last nine minutes of the game I was getting bored of the game since it seemed one sided. It sounds like you are going to get your decorations up before LM this year. I do ours the weekend of Thanksgiving because Drew has that weekend off and he gets to dig everything out for me.

    MinnesotaChick- I hope you and the family are alright with all that nasty white stuff coming down by you. I agree with you about Mother Nature being a little nicer with that nasty stuff.

    Hi Daddy Orbs!

  7. THB - LM is having company on Thanksgiving so I am going it alone. Plus, Thanksgiving is the last week of November this year and I don't want to wait that long.
    That being said, I will also be ahead of her in taking them down. She has a little game going with her neighbor on who can last the longest.

  8. Hi everyone and no comment on the Pac/Bear game.

    Although i did hear the Wisconsin DNR was on their way there to shut down the game due to animal abuse....

  9. Cold font is here. We dropped 40 degrees. The wind was out of the south,and now it's out of the north. Bar.

  10. Hello all. I survived Monday. Paper pushed the whole day again. No wonder I'm tired, that's a lot of wood to haul.

    Minnichick, feeling bad for you guys. I'm sure we won't be too far behind.

    No X-mas decorations for me until the month of December. I really don't like how the retailers force it upon us earlier and earlier. We really don't need more stuff!

  11. Thanks to Madame Z and Mother Nature, we were spared the worst of the snowfall! woohoo! I sure was not looking forward to a foot of snow for the first snowfall of the year! We only got about an inch or two, then freezing sleet. Now it's getting colder and freezing again.. looks like I will get a head start on my ice globes this year again!
    We did get the xmas lights strung up around the house but not turning them on yet!
