Saturday, November 29, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend



  1. Up and at 'em. So enjoying my brother and his wife. We have to much fun. This is the "functional" part of my family.

  2. I love nothing. Just need to finally get the kitchen put back together.

  3. I have to clean my car today. We had the dog with us on Thanksgiving so my windows are slimey.

  4. I have to go back to real life Tuesday, I'm all for nothing for a couple more day! I'm dreading setting an alarm again :(

  5. We are going to go out today and I am going to see who has Christmas decorations up already. If I see any I will start my post on them. I know Candy Cane Lane has started putting them up but I am going to wait a couple weeks to go out there so then I know they are all up.

  6. Good evening. I think I have Sleeping Sickness.

  7. Up and at 'em! Packer Sunday! Down to limited leftovers.

    For the first time EVER, I made green bean casserole. Used fresh green beans. Yum. Guess I was deprived as a child! Lol. Dang, that was an easy veggie to do.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  8. Time to empty the trash compactor.

    this the list for today.

    OH NO, also watch the Pac kick ass .

  9. My chores are done. Go Pack Go.

  10. this weekends festivities were mainly making extracts. In the end, I have 18 4oz. vanilla bottles, 2 lemon bottles (all same size), 1 orange bottle, 1 cinnamon bottle, 1 tangerine bottle and 1 orange/tangerine bottle. I have a quart remaining of 'extract base'. I messaged another irregular about my astonishing, never thought I'd purchase purchase. When I messaged my sister, my phone rang almost instantly, thinking I needed an intervention :) I have wanted to make extracts for years, but couldn't bring myself to buying the alcohol to do so. Hubby had to come with me. I was glad to get the empty bottles out of the house, I can only imagine what the recycle guys are going to think!

  11. A couple empty 5ths of Vodka would nary raise an eyebrow by the recycle crew in these parts of the great white north, Liz. I'm very curious about your potions... I've brewed a few myself in my cauldron.

  12. No one called me out for using "to" instead of "too?"

    With that said, GO, PACK!

  13. We love you Beejay! You can be grammatically incorrect here, anytime!

  14. time consuming but worth it. for the 4 oz size I used, it took about 5 vanilla beans each, cut the long way, scraped the insides out, and stuff it all in the bottle, fill, seal and shake, daily for a week, a few times a week for the next month, then once a week til they're done
    Cinnamon was 3 sticks
    Lemons - peel only, no pith, 1 lemon per bottle, same with orange, tangerine was 2 per bottle
