Friday, December 12, 2014

Escapees Apprehended

aka; Bowzer and aka; Bowzet (brother and sister) while out in the backyard the two decide to escape. They shimmied under the back fence and where free.

They were not on the lame for long when the long arm of the law (Racine Police), apprehended them and transported them to doggie jail.

The two escapees remained incarcerated for a few days until their bond was posted, which included licenses and shots, for the tune of $250.00.

The are now 'sporting' fancy new collars with their tags attached.



  1. Maybe It was the "Limbo", not the "Shimmy"?

  2. Doesn't anyone have a already licensed and vaccinated poodle anymore?

  3. Poor little doggies. I bet the treatment in jail was horrible; no treats, no belly rubs. Hell.

  4. It looks like they do not like to be held back like that. I hope they get to go home soon.

  5. My grandson was watching them for a friend. They are really nice and being puppies yet all they want to do is play. They went home this evening.

    Toad, you may be right with the limbo thing.

    Ms KKDITHER , do they still make poodles? I don't think I have seen one of those in a long time. I've seen weiner bogs, my daughter even has a couple

  6. You know that pitbulls and me don't mix.... sorry for the crabbiness. It sucked that you had to pay to get them back, but lucky they were found. Hopefully, the owners will reimburse the cost for the license and shots.

  7. Oh...KK, sorry, I should have said that, the owner paid the cost of everything, I wasn't going to.
