Thursday, January 29, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

One day at a time, my friend.


  1. I think I can, I think I can.....

  2. One day at a time...okay, I can do it.

    Have a good day, folks

  3. Temperatures falling, gas prices rising. I sure am glad I filled up yesterday at $1.62 because today it jumped to $1.75. Someday someone will have to explain to me how this happens.

  4. OKIE, only Madame Zoltar knows what the gas prices will be.

    I talked with a cashier about this three-week flu/cold. She said hers lasted four weeks. Lord.

    I'm supposed to get a new toilet tomorrow. I don't know why. I think they're replacing all of them. A guy I met in the elevator said he got his today. "Any difference?" I asked. He shook his head no but said, "We had a lot of trouble with the old one." Mine's been working fine.

  5. Probably a low flow toilet, orbs. Some of them are good, others are horrible. Hope you get lucky.

    Today was a beast of a day. They got value for the pittance they paid me today. Things are really changing and they aren't for the better.

    Okie, I bought gas the other day. It was 1.95 gallon here. Still, quite nice.
